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You had been drinking recently, hiding it from everyone, even your wife Natasha Romanoff. You both met in the red room and fell in love, marrying one another in secret. To the Avengers, they thought you guys hated each other.

Anyways, it was 3:00am and everyone was out on a mission, so you decided to grab some drinks. Being too lazy, you decided drink in the kitchen.

Wrong choice.

2 bottles later, you were pretty drunk, tipping over everything. As you were picking another bottle up to drink it, it fell on the ground and shattered.

"Oh no!" You slurred drunkenly, "Gots to...pick up..." you grapped the pieces, all of them cutting your hand.

You groaned and threw them back on the ground, not caring anymore. Your blood was splattered on the floor everywhere and you rolled your eyes.

"We're home!" Tony announced as everyone came trudging into the compund.

You looked up and saw Natasha and ran to her.

"Tasha!" you smiled and hugged her.

Everyone looked at you with wierd faces, "Why are you hugging her?" Tony asked.

"I just...I love her...." you said and started sobbing, "I love her so much!"

Steve's face went blank, ".....I thought you guys hated each other."

"We do!" Natasha denying any accusations.

You pulled back and your smile turned into a frown, "You h-h-hate me?"

Natasha's eyes softened and she looked back at everyone who were staring at her.

She looked back at your crying figure.

"Oh fuck it!" she said and hugged you, "I love you!" she gave you kisses everywhere causing you to giggle, "Sorry, baby."

You pulled back.

"Oh wait!" You said and ran to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of beer you left and drunk it, "Hey guys, come over here?"

Everyone came, still shocked at Natasha's actions.

"Uh, why is there blood on the floor?" Rhodey asked.

"Hm..." you looked at your hand and then squirmed excidently, "Found it!" you held up your hand and jumped up and down like a child.

Natasha ran to you, "Y/N! Why didn't you tell me?!"

You frowned.

"Sorry," you said in a small voice.

Natasha sighed.

"Can we get her cleaned up, please?" she turned to them.

Bruce nodded and helped her walk.

"Hey Bruce..." you smiled and stopped.

He turned to you as well as everyone else.

"Flirt with my wife again and I'll kill you."

"Oh!" Bruce's eyes widened as well as everyones did as well, "Wife?"

"Mhm," you nodded and patted his head, "Oh..." you smirked and turned to Nat who was blushing bright red, "Ima pass out now."

"So are we gonna ignore the fact that they've been hiding their marriage from us?"

Natasha Romanoff x Reader one-shots [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now