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You stared at the pregnancy stick in horror, tears running down your face. You were pregnant and it was Peter's child. It's not that you didn't want the child, because for some reason you did. There was just one question, though: How were you going to tell him, your mom, and the rest of the team?!

"Hey, babe, you good in there?" Peter asked, knocking on the door carefully.

"Uh, yeah!" Your voice trembled as you wiped your tears. You then opened the door, making your way to sit on his bed.

Peter's face contorted into worry as he jumped on the bed, making his way to you.

He cupped your cheeks and lifted your face up, "Y/N, what's wrong? Are you okay?"

"Uhm, Peter," your voice shook as tears welled up in your eyes, "I have to tell you something."

"Y/N, you're scaring the crap out of me, what is it?"

You pulled out the pregnancy test out of your pocket and handed it to him, "Peter, I-I'm pregnant."

He took the test and looked at it, "What?"

You started crying as you looked at him, "I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry."

He looked back up at you and wiped your tears with his thumb.

He smiled, "Y/N, this is the best news anyone has every given me."

"What?" You're crying slowed as confusion etched your face.

"Are you not happy?" Happy tears welled up in his eyes.

You chuckled as you wiped your tears, "Peter, I want to keep it. I mean, I wasn't happy at first, but now I'm ecstatic about it. Knowing you'll be there is enough for me."

He engulfed you in a hug and from the force, you fell down on your back.

He laughed, "Y/N, I couldn't think of anyone else to spend my life with and raise a child."

You sniffled as you laughed as well, "Me too, Peter."

"I love you, Y/N. Through anything."

"I love you, too, Peter," you ran your fingers through his curls.

He sat up and smiled, "Hey, we're having a baby!"

You smiled as well, "Yeah, we are!"


You and Peter walked into the compound, hand in hand. You were squeezing each other's hands in nervousness because you were about to tell the whole team, including your ex-assassin mom that you were pregnant. At 17.

As you both went up in the elevator, you sighed, "Pete, what if they hate us after this?"

He squeezed your hand reassuringly, "Then they can. We'll live with Aunt May and raise it until we get enough money to move to our own house."

You nodded, "Okay, good. Backup plans are a must," you turned to him, "Thank you, Peter, for not freaking out."

He faced you and kissed you softly before pulled back, "I would never. I'm happy about this."

You chuckled before the elevator opened, revealing everyone sitting down in the living room, doing their own things.

Natasha looked up, "Hey, Y/N, hey, Peter!"

Everyone's head snapped towards you two and they waved and smiled politely. You waved back before going to them and clearing your throat.

"So, uh, me and Pete have something to tell you guys," you squeezed his hand tighter.

Tony paused the TV, "Yeah, what is it?"

You pursed your lips before blurting it all out, "I'mpregnantandit'speter'schild."

Natasha eyes widened, "WHAT?!"

"Ma, relax!" You shook your head, "Please!"

"Wait, wait, wait," Pietro raced over to you, "You're holding Peter's child?"


"Cool!" he hugged you tight, "Congrats!"

Natasha shook her head, "So we're ignoring the face that you're 17, Peter fucked you, and got you pregnant?"

"Well, when you put it like that-"

"Stop talking!" Nat cut Peter off and glared, "Don't talk."

He automatically shut up and nodded.

You groaned, "Look, it's not what I expected, but me and pete are keeping it. So if you're not happy about it, then I'm moving out."

Nat sighed and grumbled.

"Although I'm not too happy about you having a baby at 17, you don't need to move out. I'll help you with whatever you need."

"Really?" Your face lit up.

"Yes," her face eventually contorted to a smile, "I'm gonna be a grandma."

You smiled and side hugged Peter, happy about it. Everyone else was nodded in agreement, talking about how they were going to be aunts and uncles.

"I call being the grandpa!"


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