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You were currently sitting on your bed, watching Netflix. Your show was extremely addicting and it had 15 seasons. You were currently on season 6, which meant you probably had about 4 days left to finish the show.

You were starting an episode when you heard a noise.

It was your stomach, asking for food.

You sighed, but you didn't want to get up. You wanted to finish watching the show.

"I'll eat after this episode," you thought aloud, and continued playing it.

After you finish the episode, it left on a cliffhanger, causing you to watch the next episode and the next and the next. At this point it had been 4 hours, and your stomach was practically begging for food. You didn't feel like going all the way to the kitchen though, so you stayed laying in your bed, watching Netflix.

Natasha and the rest of the team were on a mission, and they hadn't been back in 5 months. You tried calling and everything, but they never answered, so you were stuck waiting for them, worrying.

You stopped eating around 3 months ago, after procrastinating everything and just watching countless shows. You used to weight around 195 (which was a little higher than you were supposed to be, but it didn't matter) and now you weight 100 pounds. You could see your ribs every time you changed in the mirror. You didn't know why though, forgetting you haven't eaten in a long time.


It was the next day and you stayed up all night watching (y/f/s). Suddenly the elevator rung, and loads of talking came out.

Could it be?

You ran as fast as you could, even though there were black spots all over your vision. You stopped and then saw everyone.

"Oh my Gosh..." you thought aloud.

Everyone stopped talking a looked over to you, their faces confused.

Then you saw her.

You ran over to Natasha and hugged her, "I missed you so much!"

She laughed, "I missed you too, y/n/n," when suddenly she pulled away and looked at you. "Why are you so light?"

You shrugged, "I don't know."

Everyone looked at you.

"You look different, Y/N," Tony said, trying not to be rude.

"Really? Well I couldn't know, I barely look in the mirror anymore."

"Well it's nice to see you, Y/N."

Everyone group hugged you and then pulled back suddenly, just like Natasha.

"Nat's right. You're really light...and you look really skinny," Wanda looked you up and down.

"Have you been eating?" Natasha raised her eyebrows.

"Yeah, obviously," You answered, unaware that you actually weren't.

"Okay, so then when was the last time you ate?" Sam asked you, folding his arms.

"Well it was obviously..." You thought back to the last time you ate, "Uh...I don't remember...Oh wait! I think it was like 3 months ago..."

"WHAT?!" They all screamed in unison.

"Sorry, I guess I forgot to," you shrugged it off and went over to the couch, tipping over from your blurry vision. They all walked to you, also inspecting you walking, how you leaned on something so you wouldn't fall, and sat by you in the living room.

"How do you forget to eat, Y/N?" Pietro asked, confused.

"I don't know. I was watching Netflix most of the time and I was too focused on the show to stand up, so I just forgot that I had to eat. Sorry about that..."

"Well, can you eat now? And shouldn't you be really dizzy?" Clint spoke up.

"Well I can see black spots and you guys are all blurry. Does that count as being dizzy?"

"YES! OBVIOUSLY!" They yelled in unison.

They all ran to the kitchen and brought you snacks while they cooked you breakfast.

Natasha sat next you and hugged you, "Don't ever do that again, okay? You could've starved to death. I don't know what I would do without you."

You kissed her soft lips and pulled back, "I love you and I'm so so so sorry."

"I forgive you," she smiled.


Both of you chuckled.

"Let me help you up," Natasha said, as you kept falling down from the whole room spinning. You grabbed her hand and leaned on her, her body holding you up.

You both made it to the dining table and she sat you down in the chair next to her. There were chocolate chip pancakes, your favorite.

"This looks really good, thank you!" You smiled and began eating. When you took the first bite, your eyes widened, "Oh my gosh..."

"What's wrong?" Steve looked concerned that something was wrong with them.

"I forgot how good food tastes!" you squealed excitedly and began eating faster.

You had 4 pancakes on your plate because you were starving and everyone knew that you hated getting up to get more food, afraid of silent judgement, even though you knew no one cared about that.

Everyone chuckled.

"Glad you like it, y/n/n. I love you," Nat's expression softened, seeing you excited over the taste.

You smiled.

"I love you too!" you turned to everyone who was looking at the both of you, "And I love all of you guys. You're the best."

"We love you too, Y/N."

Just then, the elevator dinged.

Everyone turned towards the elevator, Nick Fury coming in.

"Geez Y/N, you look like shit," Fury's eyebrows raised as his gaze moved towards her, unaware of the circumstances.

"Fuck off, Nick," you flipped him off.

He stood there shocked, but impressed.

"Did you just call me Nick? No one calls me Nick."

"Okay, Nick." You said, eating another piece of your pancake.

He smirked, trying to hide his smile.

"She's the only one who can call me Nick now," He walked to the dining table.

Everyone's mouth went agape.

"What?! I want to call you Nick!" Tony complained.

"You snooze, you loose," You said, smiling.

Natasha looked at you and smiled.

She kissed your cheek and you blushed which made her chuckle.

Natasha Romanoff x Reader one-shots [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now