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Everyday you made food for the Avengers, loving their smiles of satisfaction when the first spoonful of your food hit their taste buds.

You loved how they begged you to make the food since they loved your cooking so much.

Over the past few months you've been feeling tired and you've been slipping in and out of conciousness, but you just thought you haven't been getting enough sleep.

"Y/N!" Natasha ran in the room and pecked your cheeks, "You are my lovely girlfriend so....can you make us food? We're starving after that mission!"

You chuckled as you looked behind you, seeing all the avengers nodded frantically.

"Yeah, sure," you smiled.

You stood up and you suddenly felt dizzy, but you ignored it and went on to cook for your family.

As you were done cooking your world-famous spaghetti, you put it in a bowl and placed it in the middle. Immediately, everyone dug in and thanked you.

You laughed and went on to wash the dishes. After you were done washing the pans, everyone came up to you and put their plates in the sink and went on to the living room.

You sighed, wishing that they at least cleaned some things.

As you were washing you groaned from the pounding in your head, not knowing what was wrong. Like earlier, you ignored it and once you were done, you made your way to the living room.

As you walked over there, you could feel youself falling but getting back up, tripping multiple times.

Natasha looked up from the movie everyone was watching and smiled at you and patted the seat next to you.

You smiled then suddenly it dropped and you froze in place.

"Y/N? Babe? Are you okay?" her smile dropped as well and everyone turned their head over to you.

You felt dizzy and then something unexpected happens--your eyes roll to the back of your head and you fall down, your body jerking up and down.

"Oh my God!" Everyone screamed along those lines.

They went up to you and rolled you to your side as you had your siezure.

Natasha cupped your cheeks and a few tears rolled down her cheeks.


As you calmed down, you woke up in the med-bay, spotting an iv.

"Babe?" Natasha jolted up.

"Nat? What am I doing here?" You asked.

"You haven't been eating," Tony answered for the ex-assasin.

"How long?" Bruce asked you.

You shrugged and thought back.

You suddenly realized, "Wow, it's been months."

"Why didn't you eat?" Natasha asked you, her tears that were stained on her face glistening in the light.

You looked down, "Look, I don't want you guys to think it's your fault, but I've been making food for you guys so much and cleaning all the dishes and then going out and such with y'all that I never got the time to...I've just been too busy."

Everyone sighed, "We're sorry," Steve looked down shamefully.

You chuckled.

"Ahh, don't be like that. It's not a big deal," you said as you got up, slightly groaning.

"What're you doing?" Natasha came in front of you.

"I'm gonna make you guys some food. You guys are probably hungry," you smiled, ignoring the fact you just had a seizure.

"No!" Natasha freaked out, "Are you aware that if you had gone any longer without eating, you could die of starvation?! Why are you acting like this?"

You shrugged.

"I don't know..." your voice went quiet, hating when she yelled at you.

"Look, I'm sorry," Nat sighed, "I care about you too much and I don't want that to happen to you again. Seeing you collapse on the floor was the scariest thing I've ever seen."

"Scariest?" Rhodey asked.

Tasha nodded.

"Damn, even the ex-assassin says it was scary..." you mused and Nat just sent you a glare.

You laughed and cupped her cheeks, pecking kisses everywhere.

"I love you."

She giggled earning weird looks from everyone, "I know."

"And don't you forget it!"

Natasha Romanoff x Reader one-shots [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now