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IT WAS A LONG DAY, BUT YOU HAD MANAGED TO KEEP A SMILE ON YOUR FACE. It was finally dinner, and you made Natasha's favorite, spaghetti and meatballs.

"Okay, everyone!" You call out as you placed spaghetti in each plate, "Dinner's ready! Get your asses over here!"

Everyone immediately rushes over to the dining table, awaiting there food. When you finished placed the amount of food in the plates, you hand out the plates, saying their names as you did.

Once you got to Nat's seat, you smile at her wide grin, "And Natasha," you giggle, "Here ya are."

"Thank you!" she answered in the most adorable voice ever.

As you sit back down, you look up at everyone, their sympathetic smiles aimed towards you. You furrow your eyebrows, "What?"

Tony sighed, "Y/N, Nat... she's not here. You gotta stop giving her a plate."

"I-It's getting out of hand," Wanda softly added.

You laughed in shock.

"What are you guys talking about, she's right here," you gesture to Nat who had been staring at you, tears in her eyes.

"Am I?" she responded, before fading away completely.

"Nat?" Your eyebrows knitted in confusion, "W-why'd you leave?!"

You cry as you pat the spot she was in.

"Where'd she go?" You ask everyone.

"Y/N... Natasha died on Vormir..." Vision answered for everyone. They didn't have the guts to tell you.

"You're lying," you shrug.

You get up starting calling Nat's name out, but there was no answer.

As you call her name out, you start to get more and more distraught, your calls turning into yelling and sobbing. Suddenly you feel a sharp pain in your neck, and when you turn around, you see the Avengers staring at you. You look over to your left, seeing Bruce holding a syringe.

"Why?" You croak out before your vision is filled with darkness.


Your eyes slowly start to open, and suddenly you're on a beach, except it was empty. As you look around, you spot one person staring off into the horizon, their red hair flowing in the air.


You happily run over to the woman, who smiled when she saw you.

You hug her tightly.

"I missed you. Where'd you go?" you ask.

She pulls back, "Heaven."

A confused look dawns your face, "Heaven? What?"

Nat sighed and cupped your cheeks, "You have to let me go, Y/N. I'm not on Earth."

"You're lying."

"Would I ever lie to you?"


"So then believe me, N/N. Look, I miss you more than ever, but you can't keep living like this."

"No life is worth living if you're not in it!" you shout as tears slowly pour out of your eyes, "Don't you understand? I cant live without you!"

Natasha wiped your tears with her thumb, "I'll see you soon."

With that, a slow, white flash starts to come.

Your eyes widen as you realize you were about to return to the real world, "Wait! No! Natasha, please!"

"I love you," she pecks your lips before you gasp, opening your eyes.

You look around as you sat up, seeing everyone around you.

You sigh and look up at the ceiling before bursting out crying.

She wasn't here. And you couldn't live with that.

All you felt now was...


Natasha Romanoff x Reader one-shots [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now