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That's what you thought when you had heard the news of your whole family dying.

Plane crash.

That was the cause, wasn't it?

Your 2 brothers, your sister, your mother, your father, your grandma, your best friend... they were gone.

Along with hundreds of other people.

God, why did your life have to be like this? Your life was filled with pain.

Everything hurts.

Or, that's what you would like to believe.

Nothing hurt at the moment.

Nothing felt fine at the moment.

You know, that was it.

Nothing felt like the only emotion you had in you.

Was it even an emotion? Feeling absolutely nothing? Absolutely nothing?

You couldn't express anything. Everyday since then, everyone stepped on eggshells around you, scared of the day you might break. Everyone knew your life had gone to shit.

Who couldn't though, right?

After a few days of the plane crash, Fury had told you that you weren't allowed to go on missions anymore.

Even he was scared of the mental damage inside of you.

Ah yes, that's what you were. Mentally damaged. Mentally broken.

Mentally ill.

You huffed as you sat on the couch, your head in your hands. Memories had been flooding your mind, and you couldn't get it out of your mind.

It had been a few minutes at that, and now you were at your final memory. It was everyone at a party. You had fun. You enjoyed yourself.

"How could you?" you thought in your head, "You are so damn selfish, Y/N."

You took a deep breath, but as you exhaled, you breath hitched and you finally showed an emotion.

Tears streamed down your face as your body shook, your sob coming out of you. Finally.

As you sobbed, you found it funny. Stupid emotions. Stupid Family.

Good riddance.

Your sobs soon turned into laughs although tears streamed still down your face. Your laughs soon turned into hysterical ones as you look and felt insane. You must not have heard the elevator ding, because as you laughed, you looked up and see the Avengers with sad eyes.

At that moment, they had expected you to stop, but this just kept it up, turning into louder ones. It was uncontrollable at this point. The only thing filling up your ears and mind was the maniac within you.

"Y/N," Steve slowly went up to you.

Your laughters went quiet, "Shut your trap, Steve."

Steve automatically shut up, but that only caused your laughs to continue and be even louder.

Everyone was sure the whole tower could hear your insanity.

Natasha turned around and looked between Bruce and Tony, "Knock her out."

Tony glanced between you (who was now on the floor bellowing with laughter) and Nat concerningly.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

Nat glanced at you, "Tony, look at her. She's going insane."

Bruce nodded and quickly went over to you. You hadn't notice until it was too late. You figured since your eyes were closed and your laughter was loud, you didn't hear him.

You barked out one more laugh before falling unconscious.



This is all so weird.

Walls. Glass walls.

"Cell," you observed as you looked around you.

You were in a cell, prisoner from your own team.

You chuckled.

"What the hell am I doing in here," you looked dead into the camera.

"Y/N, you were acting crazy a few hours ago," Natasha stated through the microphone.

"What if I am?" You shrugged.

"What?" Natasha questioned

"I said," you laughed, "What if I am, puddin?"

Natasha shook her head, "I'm coming down there, Y/N."

"Can't wait," you smiled brightly.

After a few minutes, the red head finally walked inside, by now, you were sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall, twirling you hair in between your fingertips, boredly.

"Ahem," Natasha cleared her throat, signaling she was here.

You're head snapped up and you automatically went up to her, "Nat! My baby!"

"I'm not your baby," Natasha deadpanned.

You pouted, "Why not?"

"Because you're not Y/N."

Natasha Romanoff x Reader one-shots [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now