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You had trauma. When you were little, you had an abusive father who would constantly shout profanities at you. Safe to say, you hated when people said curse words. It made you sick and vulnerable.

You hated being vulnerable. As the meanest person on the Avengers Team, being vulnerable was not something you would have ever dreamed of being around them—or anyone, for that matter.

As you had your arms folded, slouching in the couch with everyone, you put your usual bitch face on. At times you would steal glances at Natasha, as you took a liking to her. She was beautiful and incredibly sexy. Her personality was everything as well.

Clint was currently playing video games with Tony, both of them close to each other, racing for first place. Clint's body moved as he moved the buttons of his game controller. Tony had a larger probability of winning Mario Kart, making Clint shout.

"Fuck! Shit! Tony, I swear to fucking God I will kill you after this!" Clint laughed.

That one hit hard.

After that sentence you flinched.

"Shut up," you said coldly, but under your breath, meaning no one could hear you.

"Are you sure, Clint? Because after this fucking game, I'll be burying you six feet under ground!"

You flinched again, your body slowly started to shake as flashbacks played before your eyes.

"Stop, please," you said, but your voice was barely above a whisper.

Natasha turned to you, barely hearing the words escape your mouth. She tilted her head in confusion, looking at your eyes that weren't focused on her.

"Oh, go to fucking hell!" Clint set down his controller on the coffee table as he lost, emitting a loud clank.


There goes the beer bottle. The bottle that your father would break and use to scratch your arms and legs.

You gripped your head and screamed, tears pouring out of your eyes, "Stop! Stop! Please!" You pleaded.

Everyone's head snapped to you, seeing your body shaking horribly as you were completely vulnerable.

You stood up and turned around, but you weren't in the tower anymore. You were home. Well, it wasn't really home. It never felt like home. It will never be home. You looked around the place, hearing nothing but silence. You called out a few times, but didn't hear anything until you saw him.

"You fucking slut," your father came to you and punched you in the face, causing you to fall down. You felt like you couldn't do anything. You felt weak, fragile, like nothing.

In reality, you were curled up in a ball on the ground, everyone around you. Like the nightmare you were having right now, you were coughing up blood. Your body must've forced itself to be hurt from the extreme day-made you were having.

As your father went in to give you another punch, everything went black. All you could feel was someone's lips pressed onto yours. Surprisingly, it calmed you down, so you kissed back. Once they pulled away, you saw who they were.

The one and only Natasha Romanoff.

You sat up instinctively and backed away, your back hitting a wall.

Natasha ran over to you, "Hey, hey, hey! It's okay! I'm sorry for doing that. You were having a panic attack and some flashbacks I think. You wouldn't respond to anything so the idea kind of just flashed in my head."

You looked at her and everyone's eyes who were now worried. You felt something drip off your lips and you wiped it off, revealing blood.

You were never one to freak out when blood was shown to you, but this time you just passed out.

Natasha Romanoff x Reader one-shots [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now