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"Jeonghan!" Seokmin jumped and instantly covered his mouth, checking to see if he woke the sleeping boy.

"I thought you didn't like him." Jeonghan said nonchalantly.

"I.. I'm just being a good person." Seokmin stared at Jisoo's figure laying on the couch.

"It's ok you know," Jeonghan looked over at Jisoo also. "To accept what you feel. Listen to this," Jeonghan pat Seokmin's chest over his heart. "Not this," he tapped the side of Seokmin's head. "Or that," He pointed to everyone standing in the dining room with a giggle.

"Why are you telling me this?" Seokmin asked him.

"Because I can see something that you don't yet." Jeonghan smiled lovingly and pat Seokmin's back, returning to Seungcheol's side as everyone prepared to sing and have Samuel blow out his candles.

Seokmin looked at Jisoo one more time before walking to his best friend. They began to sing, some off key, others being wildly extra. Seokmin smiled at his big group of friends.

Samuel closed his eyes for a second and blew on his blue candles. "What'd you wish for?" Chan smiled big.

"I can't say or it won't come true!" Samuel laughed and grabbed the knife, cutting slices for everyone.

"Oh what a myth! Come on, tell us!" Minghao yelled happily.

"No can do, sorry guys!" Samuel began to hand out pieces of the very pretty cake Woozi picked out for him.

"Leave him be guys, it's probably about his lover boy," Jun laughed hysterically and pointed at Chan.

Samuel's face flushed, "What?!"

"Oh my gosh it's true, he's growing up so fast!" Mingyu dramatically fell to the floor with an arm over his eyes.

Wonwoo stepped away from the large male with an embarrassed look. "I don't know him.."

Seungcheol clapped, "ok! does everyone have cake?"

Samuel noticed Jisoo and snuck an extra slice to Seokmin, "for when he wakes up." Samuel winked at Seokmin who rolled his eyes.

"Yeah yeah, lover boy is waiting for you." Samuel's playful smirk fell into a nasty glare.

"No fighting kids!" Seungkwan pushed them apart. "Today will be peaceful."

Seokmin watched from the living room floor as everyone ate in the dining room. He pushed away his half eaten cake on the coffee table and laid his head in it's place.

A clock ticked and people talked, and all of that was pushed to the back of his mind. Was Jeonghan right? Was He right for feeling how he did? Surely not, he thought, not too long ago they wanted to kill each other in cold blood.

"Why aren't you eating?" A groggy voice sounded from in front of Seokmin. He looked up and Jisoo was rubbing the tiredness from his droopy eyes.

"Just not in the mood for cake, here" Seokmin slid Jisoo's slice over to him.

"Said no one, ever." Jisoo chuckled and took a bite out of it.

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