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"Jisoo! Sweetie, are you up? You have 30 minutes!" Jisoo's mom walked into his room to see the boy already up and dressed.

"I'm not a kid, and don't you know how to knock?" Jisoo scoffed.

"I was just checking, sorry." She sighed and closed the door.

"I don't see why she can't just go back home. I moved out for a reason." He mumbled to himself, grabbing his bag and keys before taking his leave from the house.

He climbed into his sleek black car and set his bag in the passenger seat. Music played lightly in the background as he pulled into his regular parking spot. He laid his head on the wheel and sighed, knowing he was gonna have a long day. He was mindlessly walking down the hall with his head held high, people making way for him. He had five minutes until his next lecture.

"Yo Jisoo!" Jisoo stopped and turned around, seeing his only friend.

"Hey Minghao, what's up?" Jisoo asked, the two standing in the middle of the hallway.

Minghao gestured Jisoo to come closer, he leaned around to his ear to whisper, "I heard we have five new students, and get this." He paused, "they're all scholarship kids."

Jisoo scrunched his face and backed away, "you're kidding?"

Minghao shook is head, "I mean, I've heard that they are super cute though." Minghao giggled.

"You would be excited then," Jisoo rolled his eyes.

Suddenly Jisoo found himself on the floor with a weight on his leg. He looked down, ready to yell.

"I'm so so sorry! My friend pushed me, please forgive me!" The panicked male stood up and tried to help Jisoo, but he slapped his hand away and began standing on his own, "understandable.." he mumbled, rubbing the back of his hand.

"Who even are you?" Jisoo spit angrily, dusting himself off.

"Sorry, I'm new nobody knows me, my name is Lee Seokmin, sorry we met this way." Seokmin smiled sweetly and held out his hand, Jisoo only stared at it.

"I'm not touching that."

Seokmin's smile fell and he put his hands in his hoodie pocket. "I— I see, sorry again, I'll go now." He turned to his side and walked a few steps to a group of boys, who were either looking at Seokmin with pity or glaring at Jisoo.

Jisoo scoffed and turned to Minghao, who seemed to be eye fucking something, or, someone. Jisoo followed his gaze to see a boy from the group with Seokmin. "Don't tell me you're hitting on one of them." Jisoo crossed his arms, walking towards his class.

Minghao noticed and ran to catch up. "Dude, they are all hot! How could you even talk to him! You didn't even spare a glance at the others!"

"If what talked to me is considered hot I don't think I want to see them." Jisoo walked into the room, sitting down in the back, Minghao next to him.

"You're delusional Hong Jisoo." Minghao said with a snarky tone, but was cut off by the bell and their professor walking in before he could say anymore.

"Good morning, we'll be on page 467 today.."

"Who does that guy think he is anyways?" The boy slightly shouted.

"Seungkwan, I know we just met a few days ago and this may sound a little rude— but you are one of the loudest people I have ever met."

"You're no better yourself Samuel."

"I know you are not talking Wen Junhui." Samuel snapped back.

"He doesn't even talk that much?" Seungcheol lifted an eyebrow.

"Oh, nobody asked you." Samuel rolled his eyes.

"So, we are ignoring our obviously hurt friend right now?" Seungkwan pulled Seokmin's hoodie sleeve in the direction of their first class.

"Seungkwan?" Jun asked from behind.

"What?" He snapped in playful annoyance.

"Class is that way."

Seungkwan scoffed and turned around. "I knew that, I was stretching my legs."

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