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Chan waved his phone in the air, "just got an email, if you've already turned in any grades, you don't have to be here! They are setting up for some kind of event and would prefer if less people were here."

Seokmin let out of puff of air, annoyed. "So I could have stayed home?"

Chan nodded with a smile, the others started coming out of the cafeteria, chatting amongst themselves. "We should all hang out! Skate park is closed today so we could go there!" Everyone gave a nod of agreement and looked at Seokmin.

He shrugged, "I guess."

He regretted that decision when he found himself sitting in the lounge, loud voices coming from the large group.

He sighed, feeling a headache coming along. He laid down on his side across the black couch and hugged himself, trying to warm himself up even a little.

"Sit up." He heard a soft voice say. Opening his eyes, Jisoo came into view. Seokmin lifted himself up confused.

Jisoo sat down where the boy's head had been and took off his jacket. When Seokmin didn't move he pulled the boy down to lay his head in his lap, draping the jacket over him.

Seokmin was shocked to say the least, but too tired and in pain to put up an argument. "Why are you so nice suddenly?"

Jisoo sighed, "let's just say I came to a realization."

Seokmin didn't say anything further and closed his eyes again. Jisoo rested his hand across Seokmin's stomach, staring through the air, thinking about nothing in particular.

Seokmin fell asleep not long after, his soft breaths making that apparent.

Jisoo looked down at him with a frown. "I'm really sorry.." he whispered, moving some of Seokmin's hair out of his eyes. "I'm such a bad person. Thank you for showing me that." Jisoo leaned his head back and fell asleep listening to the echo of the others having fun.

Jisoo slowly opened his eyes at the sound of movement and a grunt. He looked over and saw Seokmin leaning his head into the palms of his hands. "Are you ok?" Jisoo cleared his throat after hearing his own voice.

Seokmin looked at the other with dotted vision and heavy breaths. Jisoo was concerned now. He stood up and put his jacket on top of Seokmin's hoodie. The boy was shivering and breaking out in cold sweat.

"I'm gonna take you home." Jisoo looked around and grabbed a tissue, wiping away the sweat on the boy's forehead. He threw it away and turned so Seokmin could get on his back.

"I can walk.." Seokmin lightly pushed Jisoo away. Before he could stand Jisoo pushed him back down.

"Just let me help you." Seokmin sighed and complied, wrapping his arms around Jisoo's neck. Jisoo held tightly on to Seokmin's legs and walked out of the room. "Seungkwan!" Jisoo shouted, quietly apologizing when Seokmin smacked him.

Seungkwan turned away from Jihoon and Soonyoung, smile dropping. He rushed over and put his hand to Seokmin's forehead. "Seok you're burning!" He looked at Jisoo, "I'll-" Seungkwan's phone rang he looked at the ID and cursed. "I have to go." He answered and began running out of the building, with Seokmin's key.

Jisoo noticed Seokmin had become heavier than before, "Seokmin?" No response.

"I think he fainted. You might have to take him to your place dude." Soonyoung pointed out, seeing Seokmin no longer had his eyes open and his grip was loose.

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