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"Ah, I see you've found your way?"

Turns out, Junhui and Seungkwan were wrong. The whole fiasco caused them to miss their first class and end up in the dance studio.

"Yes sir, we got a little lost." Seokmin stuttered out then bowed politely, trying to avoid any sort of eye contact with anyone in the room. He was beyond embarrassed to be late on his first day.

"That was bound to happen, we have quite the big campus." The middle-aged man smiled and turned to the class. "These are some of our new students, they got here through their talent and excellent abilities!" He praised the boys with a huge smile on his face, "I think you guys can learn a lot from them."

"As if." They all heard someone say, but decided to brush it off.

"Please introduce yourselves?" The instructor asked, a hand extended towards them.

"Im Lee Seokmin, you can call me DK if you'd like to," their teacher could tell he would be an absolute delight to have with them in class.

"Boo Seungkwan."

"Wen Junhui, you will call me Jun." He smiled bitterly.

"Kim Samuel." The youngest of them said quietly.

"There is one more of you correct?" The teacher asked, recounting them with a bit of a confused expression.

"Oh yeah, his name is Choi Seungcheol, he's got a bit of a different schedule from us." Samuel was back to his loud self again, forgetting that he was in front of strangers.

"Ok, I'm Yeo Hwanwoong, Mr. Yeo to you." He smiled brightly for a second time, clapping his hands and facing everyone. "Im pairing you guys up, since it's the beginning of the year, how about we start it off with a little project?"

"That's not really how that is supposed to work." A boy said, before quickly shoving a hand over his mouth and bowing quickly. "I didn't mean to say that out loud!"

Mr. Yeo chuckled, "It's fine Chan, just be careful. I'll call partners now, yeah?" He walked to the mirrors and picked up a clip board.

"Xiao and Sunyoul."

"Bang Chan and Felix."

"Seokmin and Jisoo." Seokmin finally took notice of the other and frowned.

"Lee Chan and Samuel."

"Woong and Woojin."

"Minghao and Junhui."

"Seungkwan and Vernon." Seungkwan looked around and saw a boy staring at him, he broke eye contact to pat Seokmin on the shoulder.

"Haechan and Winwin."

"Finally, Mark and Yuta."

"No! Mr. Yeo could I please be with Haechan or Winwin?" A boy who people now assumed to be Mark shouted.

"Mark, what's wrong with me?" Yuta asked smirking, trying to hug the boy, who was desperately trying to escape.

"Sorry Mark, based on your score for dance entry." Mr. Yeo folded in his lips and shrugged.

"Seriously why!"

Mr. Yeo ignored the boy's suffering and continued. "You can pick, but I'm telling you now, topics that will do best are sensual and street dancing themes."

"Why sensual?" Seungkwan asked, his cheeks almost flushing. That definitely wasn't what he was expecting. They may all be adults but wasn't this a bit personal?

Mr. Yeo shrugged again, "what better way to get to know each other than being close?" He looked at their reactions before cracking up in a laugh. "Im kidding, from all the entries you guys sent in, these seemed to be your weak points. With an exception of Minghao, who was outstanding in them." Mr. Yeo smiled when the boy giggled.

"Get to it guys! We only have three minutes left!"

Seokmin looked at all of his friends with a panicked expression, seemingly about to cry. "No, no, no, no, you better not." Seungkwan closed his eyes and smacked his hands over Seokmin's face. "You'll make me cry too," he uncovered Seokmin's face and opened his eyes to see him looking at him like he was crazy.

"You'll make me sick idiot!" Seokmin yelped.

"Just go!" Seungkwan growled, noticing his partner making his way towards him.

"You're really mean to me, you know?" Seokmin pouted and Seungkwan rolled his eyes, shooing him with his hands.

Seokmin cautiously approached Jisoo, as the other simply stared at him with a blank expression the whole time.
"I don't think you ever formally introduced yourself?" Seokmin said, waiting for a reaction.

"Hong Jisoo, don't think we are friends because I would never associate myself with the likes of you." Jisoo snapped.

"Well shit, I didn't know you were actually an asshole, I just thought you were upset with me." Seokmin scoffed. "I don't know what your big deal with me is but it better disappear before you make me angry."

"Uh huh, and what're you gonna do about it?" Jisoo mocked.

"You wouldn't want to find out, would you, brat?" Seokmin glared at him intently.

"I very much would, broke boy." Seokmin's glare intensified.

The bell rung and Seokmin softened his gaze. "Don't speak to me so casually, we aren't friends, remember?" Seokmin smirked, lightly nodding his head before turning and walking out.

"Am I really going to have to deal with that?" Jisoo scrunched his eyebrows.

"He's an interesting guy, I think you two will get along eventually, loosen up Jisoo." Yeo laughed slightly, intrigued at the new student and his bold personality.

"He's even better looking up close.." Minghao walked into the wall next to the door while day dreaming. "Fucking shit," he muttered in Chinese while holding his nose. He backed up and went through the door instead.


The characters you guys probably don't know are Xiao, Sunyoul, Woong, Woojin, and Hwanwoong.

Xiao and Sunyoul are part of a ten member group that is VERY underrated! They are called UP10TION

Woong and Woojin are both members of ab6ix

Hwanwoong is a member of Oneus~

And can you believe I pre wrote this chapter but STILL almost forgot to update?

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