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"Oh thank god!" Seungcheol plopped down on the long table where the rest of the boys were gathered.

"Cheol, it's only been four hours, and our next class isn't till another two hours." Seokmin said.

"That's not what I'm worried about!" He looked around to make sure no one was looking before leaning in and quietly saying, "there was this creepy dude with short blonde hair that wouldn't stay away from me, I swear he's completely psych-"

"Cheollie! I thought I'd never find you!" A boy that matched Seungcheol's description ran up behind him panting.

"Shit." Seungcheol closed his eyes, hoping that when he opened them again the boy would be gone. He slowly turned around and awkwardly smiled. "Hey, Jeonghan."

Jeonghan sat himself next to Seungcheol and looked at the others. "Are these your friends? They are absolutely adorable!" Jeonghan could have blinded them then and there with his bright smile.

Seungkwan laughed and smiled, "Seungcheol you liar, so, Jeonghan tell me about yourself."

Jun snorted, "just because he complimented you, you can't fool us."

"Shut up Jun."

"U-um, excuse me?" The boys at the table turned to look at the new voice, the boy immediately flushed red and stuttered.

Samuel, who the boy was closest to, spoke up. "Oh hi, Chan right?"

The boy nodded, his cheeks decreasing in temperature. "I wanted to ask about the project." He stood, rocking on his heels and playing with his fingers nervously.

"Sure, what's up?" Chan seemed to relax, he pointed at the seat infront of Samuel who nodded with a smile.

Chan lowered himself to the seat and made eye contact, "when's your best time to practice, and what do you think we should do?"

Samuel hummed, pulling out his phone. "My classes are the same everyday and I have none on weekends. Me and Jun planned to go busking later today though." Samuel trailed off as he spoke, looking at Jun through the corner of his eye.

"That's fine! I can go with you guys, and we can use that as a way to get used to each other? If that is ok with you guys though! I don't mean to invite myself." Chan was sent back into a stuttering mess realizing he may have been too straightforward.

"It's fine! No need to worry, you didn't do anything wrong." Samuel looked over at Jun who agreed with a smile. "Cool! Uh, could I see your phone?"

Chan pulled out a rather expensive looking device, and for a second Samuel was intimidated, almost afraid to even touch it. He carefully pulled it from Chan's hands and put in his number.

"I'll text you the details later." Samuel handed the phone back and Chan got up, bowing and walking away.

"Watch it freak!"

"Oh no." Seokmin muttered, while the two were talking Jeonghan went with Seungkwan to show him how to get food. Something just told him this uprise in tension involved the two.

"You walked into me! You expect me to just be able to move when you're walking right into me?" Seokmin got up and started walking to Seungkwan who was holding a now half empty bottle of some colorful tea. "It didn't even spill on you!"

"It could've!"

"Jisoo, it's not that big of a deal." Jeonghan quietly said.

"Did I ask you flower boy?" Jisoo snapped at Jeonghan, who decided to keep his mouth shut and look down.

"Jisoo he's right, it was your fault and it didn't even spill on you." Minghao crossed his arms, looking at the boy like a mother scolding her child.

"Shut the hell up Minghao, I'm not letting him yell at me like that." Jisoo rolled his eyes.

"Karma will come bite you in the ass one day I hope you know that." Minghao sneered, never breaking eye contact. He didn't even flinch when Jisoo brought up his hand, but was confused when someone grabbed it from behind.

"I don't think that's any way to treat your friends." Seokmin said, retracting his hand and watching Jisoo turn to face him.

"You have no place to tell me anything."

"This is a five to one argument, I shouldn't even call it that because this is pointless." Jun came and stood next to Seokmin, catching Minghao's attention almost instantly.

"Seven to one." Seungcheol stepped between Seungkwan and Jeonghan, Samuel on Seunkwan's other side.

Jisoo didn't say anything, just stared at the people surrounding him.

"I think you owe our friend here an apology." Seokmin raised an eyebrow.

Jisoo's eyes widened and he looked at Minghao, who looked down to avoid his gaze. Jisoo nodded and clicked his tongue, "in your dreams." He turned around and stormed out of the cafeteria.

"I'm really sorry guys, I've been trying to get him to understand he's not the only person in the world but he's so difficult." Minghao sighed, running a hand through his hair and bowing to Seungkwan. "Please forgive me."

"You didn't do a thing wrong, don't worry about it." While the boys were trying to get rid of Jisoo, Seungkwan realized he had nothing to change his shirt out with. Minghao nodded sadly and made his way out of the cafeteria.

"Seokmin, do you have an extra shirt?" Seokmin shook his head.

"Left it at home."

"You can use my hoodie." Seungkwan looked behind him and saw the boy from his dance class holding out a navy and red hoodie.

"Are you sure?" He nodded and Seungkwan hesitantly took it, leaving to find the bathroom.

"Thanks.. Vernon?" Seokmin asked.

"That's me." He smiled and waved, walking away.

"I'll go find Kwan." Seokmin jogged away and left the others standing there, in their own thoughts and discussions.


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