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Seokmin woke up with a cough as he tried to focus his blurry vision. He couldn't remember a single thing and wasn't even sure if he was still at Samuel's house. He let out a groan and felt around for his phone, sitting up tiredly. He slowly typed in his password and was met with his snapchat open. In curiosity, he opened the gallery up and felt his heart drop to his ass. With a shaking finger, he clicked on the first video he saw. A hand came to his mouth as the thirty-two second clip played in front of him.

It was him, sitting against the headboard with no one other than Jisoo sitting in his lap. He watched as the video replayed a second time and saw himself smile at the camera before pulling Jisoo by his jaw into a sloppy, drunken kiss. That's when he finally heard the faint presence of a snore and looked over. The boy who he just watched himself get handsy with was sound asleep next to him, with dark spots littering his neck and trailing down even farther. Who knows what he looked like under that shirt right now.

Seokmin slowly turned back to his phone and stared at the countless of videos now etched into his camera roll. He was slightly terrified to look any further, and after watching a second video that Jisoo had apparently taken of Seokmin and him together looking a lot like the first, he decided to shut the phone off completely. He was dumbfounded.

In the middle of thinking what to do next he realized it was too late. "What time is it?" Jisoo's groggy voice sounded as he rolled over to grab his own phone. Seokmin watched in terror as the male's shirt slid down from his neck a bit and revealed just how many hickeys and love bites there were. Jisoo paused for a moment, looking at the black screen of his phone with a blank face. A hand came up to feel his neck.

Seokmin watched as the phone fell from his hand and he ran to the attached bathroom, with a bit of struggle as he was still healing. "What the fuck!" Seokmin cringed at the loud volume from his voice. Jisoo came back out, looking at Seokmin expectantly. "What happened last night?" He asked in a panicked tone.

He was silent for a second, "maybe, um, check your camera roll please? I just want to confirm something." That's right, maybe once he could see Jisoo had none of the videos or photos he would wake up from this terrifying dream. Moments later Seokmin could hear lips connecting and scandalous giggles topped off by music blasting somewhere in the distance. The two sat there silently as the video played on repeat. "Turn it off." Seokmin stuttered out quietly.

Jisoo complied immediately and pulled his knees into his chest.

He pinched himself, praying this was some cracked up dream his brain decided to conjure while he was under the influence. To his dismay, the situation was perfectly real. Seokmin glanced at Jisoo who looked at him too. They broke the eye contact quickly and turned to opposite directions. "At least I'm not the only one with evidence all over me." Jisoo muttered, resulting in Seokmin pulling out his camera and looking himself over. He saw marks poking out where his collar bone was and pulled up his shirt. Bite marks, and they were everywhere.

The two sat in a cringingly awkward silence as momories slowly started coming back to them. Seokmin now vividly remembers playing truth or dare with the guys and after having to crack an egg on a sleeping wonwoo, ran into a limping Jisoo in the dark hallway. He offered to carry him up to a room and after a long back and forth had Jisoo's legs around his waist. Once they got to the room, it was history.

Seokmin set Jisoo down onto the side of the bed and was beginning to walk away when Jisoo grabbed the collar of his shirt. "I didn't get a turn." Seokmin stared at him in question and slight arousal at Jisoo's demanding tone and close proximity. "Truth or dare?"

They once again found their faces so close their lips would touch at the slightest of movement. "Dare." Seokmin replied in a brave tone. Jisoo's mouth morphed into a sly smirk as he let go of Seokmin's shirt and moved his hand to the male's jaw.

"Kiss me."

The next two or so hours consisted of mindless confessions about themselves and touch starved kisses. It felt so right, so natural at the time, but now neither of them knew what to think or what to do. Seokmin took a deep breath before building up the courage to speak. "Wait here. I'll be right back." He didn't have to look back to know Jisoo's eyes followed him all the way up to the point the door closed.

Jisoo fell back into the bed, a finger tracing the love bites on his neck in faint confusion. He sighed and covered his face with his hands. He was scolding himself in his head, worried about something. He just wasn't sure what it was.

Downstairs, Seokmin walked into the kitchen. There were bodies spread across the living room, the next room over Jeonghan and Wonwoo were seated at the kitchen island quietly chatting over coffee. Wonwoo noticed him first, looking him up and down. "I would bring up what you did to me but I'm suddenly more curious about who did that to you." He gestured to Seokmin's slightly exposed chest from his wrinkled and stretched out shirt, which he still isnt sure when he changed into. He was sure Seungkwan would throw a fit about the missing cropped item he was supposed to be wearing.

Seokmin cleared his throat, "no comment." He walked to the cabinet and pulled down two glsasses. He filled each with ice water, bowing his head to the two on his way out. He was hyping himself up in front of the bedroom door he previously came out of before stepping inside quietly. "Here." He said plainly, handing one of the cups to Jisoo who gladly accepted. He took a few sips before setting it down.


"I think-"

They looked at each other before Seokmin nodded at him to continue. "It's just, I wanted to apologize. I feel it was wrong of me to ask such things when neither of us are in our right minds." Jisoo said as he played with his fingers. "I'm sorry."

"Do you regret it?"

"Huh?" Jisoo was caught off guard by the question, feeling put on the spot. He seemed to be in thought for a moment before raising his head. "I.." He rubbed his palms together nervously. "I don't think I do, Seokmin. Is that selfish of me?" Seokmin watched as Jisoo finally raised his head to look completely at him. He stared, looking Seokmin over before meeting his eyes. "I think I would do it again."

Seokmin wasn't sure how to feel. He was beyond conflicted. Was he sure this was the same guy he met a few months ago? Was this some kind of sick prank Jisoo had been plotting against him this whole time? He felt sweat gather on his forehead and the pounding in his head seemed more harsh than before. Seokmin was becoming horribly overwhelmed with emotion. His stomach churned and he felt he could throw up any second now. "I think I need to go." He uttered out, before rushing out of the door before Jisoo could even get a word out.

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