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Seokmin began to sit up, "don't." Minghao glared, not showing any sign of forgiveness or understanding. He nodded at Jisoo, who only glanced at Seokmin before setting off into the hallway. The situation felt drowning, everything about the last few months were pulling him under. Seokmin wasn't sure how good of a swimmer he was.

With a click of the door shutting, Minghao sighed and closed his eyes. He was rethinking his words to put them out in a reasonable manner. "I think.. I think this isn't good for you, and I know you don't want me telling you this, but I have to make it known. There's just no telling how this will go, Jisoo." Jisoo stared back at him, trying to make sense of the thoughts running through his own mind.

"You're right, I don't want to hear it. What did you need me for?"

Minghao sighed, running a stressed hand across his face. "Your mom, Soo, she's been reported missing."

Just like that, Jisoo felt a train hit him.

"What are you talking about?" He felt his breathing pick up and his head start to pound. It was all too much, he's already had too much of a hard time, how much more was life going to pelt at him?

"Your sister called late last night, and said your mom hasn't shown back home for three days. The police are saying it could be related to your dad's company." Jisoo shook his head vigorously.

"There's no way, he's dead, Hao. How could that at all be related.." Jisoo stopped himself, looking to the ground. "Related.." He picked at his nails, before walking back into his room. Seokmin was sitting at the end of the bed expectantly. Jisoo didn't spare him a look, instead went straight to digging in the back of his closet. There was a brown box, with a coded lock on it. He pulled it out and set it on top of his desk. Seokmin and Minghao watched in concern as he angrily tried code after code. Finally, he shoved it onto the floor and began slamming it down. Seokmin rushed to him, but Jisoo only pushed him away.

The two viewers flinched at the sound of metal breaking and the box opening, dumping all of the contents into the floor. Jisoo reached down with shaking fingers and gripped an old sheet of paper. He examined it for a moment before also pulling out an old polaroid. From what Seokmin could see, it was two men, shaking hands in front of a large building. "My uncle, he took over after my dad died and uh.." Jisoo stumbled over his words as he spoke quickly, "and my dad's will gives me ownership to everything, it wasn't, it wasn't fulfilled because I've kept it hidden away. It's because that isn't what I wanted, I didn't want to follow after him. He's looking for it, I think he wants to change it."

Jisoo looked up at Minghao, "and he's going to do what ever he can to get it." Jisoo stood, leaving the rest of the contents of the box on the ground as he paced around. "Where would I even start?"


"I, I mean she could be anywhere."

"Hey, Jisoo."

"What if he killed her?"


"What! What do you want Seokmin?" He stopped in his tracks and looked at the two worried males. "What could you possibly want right now?" He slammed the paper and photo back on to his desk and watched him, waiting on words to spill from his mouth.

"If you could explain to me what's going on, I may be able to help. If you keep walking around like that making yourself bleed you won't get anywhere." Seokmin pointed to Jisoo's bloodied finger from his anxious biting. "Just sit down, and breathe for a moment." Seokmin guided the boy into a chair and held his shoulders firmly. He gave a comforting smile and continued, "there's an answer for everything, even if it will take some time to get it. Now, when you're ready, tell me what's going on."

Jisoo closed his eyes, taking a few deep breaths. In vague detail, he retold the story to Seokmin. He seemed quite shocked, and Jisoo watched as the male's hands fell from his shoulders and down to his sides as he gazed off into nothing. Minghao sat on the bed behind him, his head in his hands and his long black hair falling in front of his eyes. Jisoo sighed, not knowing what he was going to do. Things just started moving forward and now he was back to where he started. It hadn't even been a full twenty-four hours since things were fixed, and he had just watched them all shatter in front of his eyes.

"Okay, okay," Seokmin slid his hands into his pockets and nodded his head. "Call your sister, tell her she needs to leave her phone at her house," He grabbed some paper and a pen and wrote something down. "Tell her to go to this address and that there's a key hidden on the front porch, in one of the hanging flower pots. If your theory is right she shouldn't be where anyone will find her." He handed Jisoo the paper and his cell phone, before stepping out of the room to make a call. Minghao watched the two, feeling a little helpless. He had messaged Seungkwan when he saw Seokmin here, so he should be here any second.

"I'll be right back." Minghao would meet him outside and explain before the boy came in upset.

Jisoo watched him leave as the call connected. "Sooyoung?"

"Where are they? I told him not to so many times," Minghao cut him off.

"Listen, here's the problem." And for a third time today, the story was told.

Minghao and Seungkwan were sitting on the front porch together and Minghao finally finished. "Wow.. this is some crazy chaebol shit."

Minghao deadpanned, "this isn't a time for jokes, Kwan."

Seungkwan giggled in guilt, "yeah, sorry. What exactly is the plan?" Minghao looked away, gazing out at the dazzling front yard.

"Nothing yet. I'm not exactly sure what we could even do to help." The two sat together in silence, having their own individual thoughts. Everyone was confused and worried, nothing ever seemed to stay calm. "We will just have to see how this unfolds until we can do something I guess." Seungkwan looked at Minghao from the corner of his eye, he was right. Seungkwan had nothing to offer. He wasn't that smart and he didn't have any of his own assets to use. He was sure any attempt he would make would turn out to be futile.

"It'll be okay, I'm sure it will.."

"Do you think they will be okay?"

"Seok and Jisoo?" Seungkwan laughed a little, "they'll be fine. They've got each other and a lot more fight in them than I would've imagined. We couldn't stop them even if we wanted to, Hao." Minghao nodded, still in his own head of doubt.

"Hey." Minghao looked over at him. "It's alright." Seungkwan could only offer his comfort as he pat Minghao's back, hoping it would offer him a bit of peace that he needed. "Let's go inside, I don't know about you but I really need something to eat, and I'm sure those two do as well."

The two boys got up to their feet and made their way back inside.

"I just got off the phone with an old friend, his name is Felix, big computer nerd. He may be able to look into this, I just need your uncle's name and the name of the company to send to him."

"Micheal Hong, his Korean name is Jaekyung. The company is H&Q Tech. They handle things ranging from technician supply to dealing with major data bases across Asia, so tell him to be cautious. I don't know what kind of capabilities they have." Jisoo sat worriedly and Seokmin typed away into his phone.

"He's a smart ass kid, I wouldn't worry about him too much. He's got like seven other friends working with him as well." Seokmin put his phone back into his pocket and took on a more serious expression. "Are you okay?"

Jisoo bit at the inside of his cheeks before hesitantly nodding. "I think so. I just hope she's okay."

"I'm sure she is. We just gotta stay hopeful alright?" Seokmin walked forward and Jisoo wrapped his arms around the male's waist.

"I'm gonna try."

Seokmin's phone rang with a short series of notifications. He pulled it back out and read the messages. "They found something."

"So soon?" Jisoo felt more anxiety for some reason, like something wasn't right.


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