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The halls are dead silent as Seokmin paces up and down them. He had lost track of time, trying to figure out how he was gonna fix this mess. Late yesterday afternoon Jisoo had received a ransom message, just as they expected, demanding Jisoo return the original will back to his uncle. Seokmin thought back to Jisoo telling him how he couldn't, as that company was the last pride his mother had left from her marriage, aside from Jisoo of course. He sighed, watching the curtains covering the window at the end of the hall sway under the pressure of the air conditioning. He stared in silence at the dark sky as they parted from the cold wind blowing through the vents. The male had sent both Minghao and Seungkwan home until he could be sure they wouldn't be put in any danger either. The last thing he needed was his friends getting involved as well.

Although Felix had now confirmed Jisoo's mother was safe and they didn't actually have any intention on taking her life, only to keep her hidden away from the world till they could get what they wanted, he didn't want to take chances on anyone else ending up in the same situation.

Deep in contemplation, he missed the sound of a door creaking open, "Minnie?" Startled, Seokmin spun around to face the other boy, who was rubbing his eyes in exhaustion. "Why are you out here?" Seokmin's pounding heart settled itself as he realized it was only Jisoo, coming out to question his disappearance. He stepped forward, guiding the male back to bed.

"I couldn't sleep," he pushed Jisoo to sit on the bed by his shoulders. "Did I wake you up?"

Jisoo shook his head in disagreement, "no."

Seokmin hummed, pushing a bit of Jisoo's hair behind his ear. "Go back to sleep, I'm sure it's late." Jisoo wrapped his arms around Seokmin's waist and rested his cheek against the male's stomach. He was a little taken aback, but rested his arms around Jisoo's shoulders nonetheless. "Something wrong?" He questioned, feeling a tension rise between them.

"I'm scared," his voice was so small, so frail, that Seokmin couldn't even make out the words.

"What'd you say?"

With a deep breath in, and a shaky exhale, Jisoo repeated himself, "I'm scared." Seokmin felt a wetness through his shirt, and a pang in his heart came along with it. "Don't cry," Seokmin spoke softly, "please don't cry." Seokmin rubbed Jisoo's back hoping it would provide him with comfort in some way. Times like these, he was utterly clueless. He had no idea what to say or how to make it better.

Slowly, Seokmin got on his knees to be, albeit a little below, eye level with Jisoo. He crossed his arms over the other's knees gave him a soft smile, "what are you afraid of?" Jisoo couldn't exactly tell, so he couldn't answer. Instead, he took the time to twirl his fingers through some of Seokmin's hair, which had suddenly become extremely interesting all of a sudden after being put on the spot. "I'll protect you." Seokmin didn't even know what he was saying, but it felt right after meeting with Jisoo's eyes momentarily.

Hearing those words, the knot that had formed itself in Jisoo's chest when he woke up all alone dissipated into nothingness. A small sigh of relief made its way from Jisoo's mouth.

If you asked, they couldn't tell you when or how Seokmin ended up sitting on the floor between Jisoo's legs as the latter continued to hum some soft tune, braiding and unbraiding Seokmin's soft hair. All they knew was the sun had begun to rise and the two hadn't moved for hours. Maybe it's because deep down they knew once they did, it would be time to face the devil beckoning them closer so he could rip apart their lives. Maybe it's because something about staring at each other never seemed to get boring.

The tranquility was soon disrupted by a rather obnoxious cellphone, blaring some tune Jisoo couldn't put a name to at the moment. With a heavy sigh and an even heavier want to stay where he was, Seokmin got up to answer the call. "Who calls at the very crack of dawn?" Jisoo mumbled to himself in annoyance as he fell backwards into the bed with a groan. Sitting up for so long did not do good things for his back.

"Can you let me speak?" Jisoo perked up at Seokmin's sudden change of tone. "No, I'm not doing that, and I'm not doing it because it's reckless and stupid." Seokmin rubbed a hand over his face, "of course that's what I want. But I—" seemingly he was interrupted. "You know what? Fine. We will come meet you, but I swear on everything you'll regret it if you put Ji— if you put us in danger." Seokmin glanced at Jisoo quickly in hope he hadn't caught what he was about to say. "Yes Felix I understand that, and it's the only reason I'm agreeing, just have him send me the details like you said. Bye." Jisoo flinched as Seokmin hung up the call and rather aimlessly tossed his phone to the bedside table.

"Is everything okay? What's going on?"

"We're going to meet up with Felix and some others later. He's got some sort of plan, but he knows someone has been trying to get access to his personal accounts and data, therefore, someone found out he was investigating your uncle and he's being tailed." Seokmin walked over to Jisoo's closet and grabbed a random hoodie, throwing it on over his T-shirt, which also belonged to Jisoo. "Where ever it is we'll need to sit behind them at a different table so it won't seem like we are together. You're going to have to put on a show." Jisoo looked at Seokmin a little dumbfounded but listened intently anyways. "You're going to need to act absolutely distraught and devastated, if someone working with your uncle really is following him, it'll need to look like you don't have a clue what's going on." Seokmin walked over to Jisoo and ruffled his hair in every different direction, earning a push and frustrated expression.

"Slow down!" He rubbed his tired eyes on the back of his hands, "this is a lot for me to take in at once!"


Jisoo glared, "just hush for a moment," he said as he fixed his disheveled hair. "Don't you think it would be smarter if he wrote out this so important plan and just 'dropped it' as he walked by? You know, something one thousand times less suspicious? How exactly would you two talk, being watched, with your backs to each other?" Jisoo lifted an eyebrow, waiting for a response. "Yeah, I thought so, that's the most shitty plan I've ever heard. What do you guys think this is? A spy movie?"

"Wasn't my idea," Jisoo scoffed and shook his head.

"Tell your middle man or whatever that Felix needed to get whatever he needs to say on paper, and some sort of burner phone contact," He interjected with a question, looking at Seokmin as if he was stupid, "why didn't you guys think of that anyways? Whatever, just do that, and then tell him Felix could slip it to you while he walks past our table." Jisoo stared waiting for Seokmin to say anything. He sighed, "well? Are you just going to stand there and look at me?"

Seokmin fought the urge to joke around and picked up his phone again, doing as he was told.

As they waited for the time to leave to approach, the two were in the kitchen in search of something to eat. Well, Seokmin searched, Jisoo sat on the counter and watched. For what felt like the hundredth time Seokmin held up an option and was shut down with a 'that doesn't sound good right now.' He placed the box of oven ready pizza back into the freezer and looked at Jisoo. "How about we just eat at the meet up place then?" Jisoo smiled at that and Seokmin chuckled, "you've been waiting on me to say that this whole time haven't you?" Jisoo nodded in response. "You know you're still gonna have to look depressed though right? It'll still seem weird if you don't look affected by your mother disappearing." Seokmin added as he leaned against the chilly marble across from Jisoo.

"You say it like I'm not."

"That's not what I meant, you know she's fine, but they don't know you know that." Seokmin gave pleading eyes, silently begging Jisoo not to take his words the wrong way. "We will just treat it like I'm taking you out to get your mind off things, because you 'think' your mom is in danger. Sorry if I sounded insensitive."

Jisoo stopped swinging his feet, "I understand. It's a lot of pressure on both of us. I know you're worried about him as well." Seokmin was honestly shocked at the venomous tone Jisoo took on. He hadn't heard him speak like that since they met, and it almost made him laugh a bit. "I'll play into it."

Please correct me upon finding any mistakes, it won't hurt my feelings I promise, there's only so much I can do in these late hours of the night lol ^^ stay healthy

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