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"Ddongmi, down boy!" Seokmin yelled, the dog paused, his mouth still open and hovering over Seungkwan's face, looking at Seokmin from the corner of his eye. He made a noise and stepped down from the boy, walking back to his bowl. "Don't touch the dog while he's eating."

"You could have told me that sooner Seokmin!" Seungkwan shouted, getting up from the floor.

"I tried." He shrugged, "why are you here anyways?"

"Mom's drinking again, I don't want to be there when she brings in another guy." He walked over to an open cabinet and pulled out the first thing he saw, seaweed snacks. "Oh they are wasabi flavored." Seungkwan smiled, opening the green and white bag.

"Don't worry Seungkwan, help yourself to my kitchen, you don't even have to ask!" He yelled sarcastically.

Seungkwan looked at him and smiled, "why thank you."

"Whatever, guest room is down that hall, first door to the left. There is a bathroom inside it with towels." Seokmin pointed out. "I'm going to finish up this entrance paper."

"For what?" Seungkwan lifted an eyebrow.

"A part time job at the new skate park." He smiled.

"Seriously? I did not picture you as a skater." Seungkwan laughed.

"Rollerblade and skate boarding, also of course your natural roller skates." Seokmin's face suddenly lit up, "wanna see my skate hall?"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean, I know this is my first time over but I don't think of you like that-"

"No you idiot! You really think I would try to use you as a," Seokmin gagged.

"Ok, um, that's kind of offensive." Seungkwan rolled his eyes.

"It's a room dedicated to all my old and new skate stuff. Come on." Seokmin walked to the middle of the hall and turned to a wall on the left close to the stairs. He stuck his finger between a white part in the wood and clicked something, that part of the wall then opened up like a door.

"That's hella cool!" Seungkwan rushed next to the boy, soon following him down two steps and into a dark room. Seokmin felt around the wall and flicked a switch, the room brightened up.

There were shelves lining the walls and the back one had nails, holding up worn down and broken skateboards. "That is all of my old boards, those shelves have all the old skates I have. He then turned around facing the direction they just came, revealing another room.

"This one under the stairs?" Seungkwan asked, noticing the tilt in the ceiling.

"Yep, here's all the stuff I use, signed merch and extras for when mine break or get too old." Seokmin smiled, looking at the hung up t-shirts and displayed boards and skates with signatures on the sides.

"What are all of those?" Seungkwan pointed to the shelf beside him before walking completely in and facing it.

"Medals and awards."

Seungkwan's mouth was agape, "holy shit man."

"It's not that big of a deal honestly." Seokmin frowned lightly.

Seungkwan lightly smacked his shoulder, "talented and humble. You're kind too? Man if only you were my type." He made a sound of amazement and shook his head.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Seokmin put a hand over his heart.

"Wah! Look at you! You're strong too man if you were cu-"

"Say it and I'll leave you on the side of the street, I'm NOT kidding." Seokmin glared at him.

"Ok ok," Seungkwan held his hands up, "just kidding with you." He laughed and smiled, making his way back out of the secret room.

Seokmin turned off the light and stepped out, pushing the wall back until he heard a click. "Now, you can do whatever you want there's a game system and TV in the guest room, I need to fill out that form and submit it before the dead line." Seokmin waved and then rushed up the stairs, leaving Seungkwan with a bag of seaweed in his hands and loneliness hanging on his shoulders. He shrugged and put another piece in his mouth, making a crunch, then turning around to enter the room.

Seokmin woke up to his annoying alarm per usual. He sat up and rubbed a hand over his face with a sigh. He got up and went into the bathroom to freshen up, then remembered the person in his house. He walked down the stairs and opened the door to the guest room, seeing the TV paused on a gaming video and the empty bag of snacks on the bedside table.

"Seungkwan." He waited and saw no response.

"Seungkwan!" When the boy still didn't move Seokmin sighed and moved over to the side Seungkwan was sleeping on. "Boo Seungkwan!" Seokmin shook the boy's shoulder.

"Go away.." Seungkwan put his hand on Seokmin's stomach and froze. He moved his hand slightly and smirked with his eyes still closed. "Damn boy, how often do you work out?"

Seokmin scoffed and smacked his hand away, "get up." He complained, "we have an hour before classes start."

"You have any clothes? I only had stuff to sleep in last night." He sat up and rubbed his eyes, trying to clear up his sight.

"Yeah I'll get them just hurry up and be by the door before 6:30." Seokmin said.

"But it only takes like ten minutes to walk there?" Seungkwan said.

"You are walking, I'm skating, and I would rather be early than late." Seokmin crossed his arms.

"You should teach me to skate some time." Seungkwan said, slipping out of the bed to stretch.

"I can if we get to the school on time, just keep the board I'm going to give you in your locker and not mine, I don't have enough space for that." Seokmin yelled from upstairs, coming back into the room with a shirt and jeans.

He laid them on the end of the bed, "alright, I'll get ready as fast as possible."

Seokmin only needed to put his shirt on and grab his shoes, so he slipped on the second shirt he had, a black Nike t-shirt with Eric Koston's name in white print at the bottom.

Seokmin scrolled through his phone, waiting by the door for Seungkwan. "Why am I tiny in everyone's tops?!" Seungkwan whined, grabbing his bag from the floor.

"You're shorter than me." Seokmin pushed Seungkwan out of the door and locked it behind him, stepping on to his board and lightly pushing off the ground. "There's another board for you by the door." Seungkwan looked over at the door and picked up a skateboard, he flipped it over and saw red and yellow graffiti on the bottom.

"Cool." He nodded, jogging to catch up with Seokmin, who stopped out of nowhere.

"Put it on the ground." He instructed, "left foot in front and push with your right, not too hard. Then when you're moving put the right one behind your left." Seungkwan hesitantly followed, being a little wobbly, "there is your first lesson, you know how to stand and move on it."

Seokmin then sped off, not waiting for a response. "Wait up!" Seungkwan stepped off the board and messily grabbed it, running after Seokmin.

Neither of them noticed the judging eyes watching their every move.


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