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I have picked a very , VERY special choreo for Josh and Dk. If you haven't seen this or know who these boys are, you are really missing out :( anywho, the one with just the plain white shirt is Gunmin, or right now Joshua, one with blue top is Heedo, or Seokmin :) it focuses more on Gunmin but they are both doing the same dance so, enjoy, I will also put this at the bottom.


Seokmin had finished sweeping his guest room, as he hadn't been in there for quite some time. He was waiting in the kitchen drinking tea he made the day before. He died a bit inside when he heard the sound of knocking at his door. It was now a Friday and all classes were cancelled because apparently someone set the lab on fire and the whole school needs to be cleaned and checked for chemicals.

Seokmin walked over to the door and opened it up. "About time, you've been late everyday." He rolled his eyes and moved to make space for Jisoo.

Seokmin and Jisoo had spent nearly three weeks practicing together in order to perfect their choreo. While they would probably deny it to anyone who pointed it out, they had grown closer.

"Whatever, let's finish this up so we can present and get the grade."

Seokmin walked behind Jisoo upstairs and down the hall to the large dance studio. "From the top?"

"Yeah." Jisoo got into position and waiting for the music. He began dancing smoothly, Seokmin doing the same.

About mid way through when the girl began singing Seokmin stopped the music. "You're stiff, let go of trying to do it right and focus on moving."

Jisoo rolled his eyes, "really? If it's that bad then show me." Seokmin walked up to Jisoo after going back in the song a bit.

He put his hands on Jisoo's hips, "t-thats not-"

"Loosen up right here some." Seokmin rubbed a part on Jisoo's side, "the parts coming up, just let go and move."

"O-ok." Jisoo nodded slightly, listening and following Seokmin's instructions.

"Better," Seokmin broke his eyes away from the mirror and paused the music again. "I think it looks better if I just stand behind you huh? The choreo is a bit plain on its own so that would help our score."

"Yeah sure, um, I need to use the bathroom before we continue though, I'll be back in a second." Jisoo walked out quickly and went to the closest bathroom, shutting the door behind him and letting out the breath he had been holding.

He walked infront of the sink and set his hands on both sides. He turned on the cold water and splashed his face before turning it off again. "The hell is wrong with you Hong Jisoo..?" He sighed and used his shirt to dry his face.

When he walked back into the studio, Seokmin was going over something else. He listened to the song a bit before identifying it as 'boy meets evil' by Hoseok from BTS. It was towards the end so the music stopped fairly fast.

"I'm back." Jisoo cleared his throat lightly and walked over to him.

"We can go over it a few more times to get adjusted to the change." Seokmin wiped his forehead with his hoodie he took off when they got in here.

They got into position and started. Jisoo's heart started to speed up as the part came closer. Seokmin put his hand on Jisoo's thigh and continued. Jisoo wondered if this was having the same effect on Seokmin as it was him and the other was just hiding it.

They finished practice after another twenty minutes and Jisoo shut the front door behind him. He stood there for a second, staring at what was infront of him.

"Well look who it is? You were late again eh? Sad." The boy crossed his arms and shook his head with a chuckle. "Seokmin-ah!" The boy yelled with a smile, almost instantly the door opened, Seokmin looked at Jisoo for a second before purposefully yanking Seungkwan into a hug.

"Oh gross you're sweaty." The boy made a disgusted face and pushed Seokmin away.

"Sorry," Seokmin laughed. "Come on, grab your stuff and wait for me out here, I'm gonna go shower real fast."

Jisoo watched Seokmin go back inside. "Are you two..?"

"What?" The boy looked at him, before making a face of realization. "Oh don't tell me prince Jisoo Hong is not only curious but jealous of the Boo Seungkwan?" Seungkwan laughed at Jisoo's disgusted face.

"You wish." He stormed off, not forgetting to bump Seungkwan's shoulder. "Absolutely pathetic."

Seungkwan rolled his eyes and went inside, headed straight to Seokmin's skate room. He went inside the room with all the new stuff where he left the board Seokmin gave him.

Seokmin had taken time after all his practices to help Seungkwan learn how to skate.

He grabbed it and ran out, closing the wall. He heard the shower still running so he smiled and set the bored down, getting on and skating to the front door. He waited outside for a bit when Seokmin finally came out, damp hair and board in hand.

"Hey Seungkwan?"


"Skate in my house on my clean floors again and I'll make sure you never skate again." He finished locking the door and turned around with a smile, winking.

"How'd you know!?" Seungkwan yelled, confused.

"Oh I didn't. I just said that to see if you really did, statement still stands though." Seokmin got on his board and pushed off.

Seungkwan followed not long after, a mortified look on his face.

They got to the skate park and Seokmin used his key to get in. "I'm so glad they gave me the job." Seokmin was about to turn on the power box when he noticed the lights already on. He looked back at Seungkwan who shrugged.

They cautiously walked out of the employees room, seeing Chan and Samuel. Samuel was skating around Chan with a smile. "That is so stupid!" Chan laughed.

"I know right?" Samuel looked up and saw the two boys. "Hey guys!" He stopped skating and flipped his bored up to his hands. "Minghao will be here in a few, so don't be surprised if Jisoo shows up also."

"I'm back!" They heard a new voice, noticing Jun sauntering out of the overly large bathroom. "Oh, hey guys."

"Chan?" They heard another voice yell out in question, "I'm here!"

They looked at where Seokmin and Seungkwan had come from previously and saw Minghao, followed by Jisoo, who's face instantly dropped at seeing who all was there.

"Sup Hao, your board is in the office." Minghao nodded and ran off.

"I see you guys have gotten closer." Seokmin smiled.

"Yeah, you've missed a lot practicing with that suck up." Samuel jumped on Chan's back, almost catching him off guard.

"Im right here dip shit." Jisoo hissed, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah whatever." Samuel put his arms around Chan's neck and rested his chin on the older's head.

"I didn't know so many of you guys skated, I thought everyone in this town were useless snobs." Seokmin glanced at Jisoo, who was messing with the case on his phone, Minghao then ran up to the skate pit and rode down it. He sped right past Jun who almost fell over from surprise.

"You can go Seok, I'll work on my own a bit." Seungkwan smiled.

"You sure?" Seokmin looked at him.

"Mhm, have some fun, you probably need it." Seungkwan laughed.

That was enough to be said and Seokmin put down his board and flipped over the edge of the pit, landing without trouble.

Well here's the choreo vid again~ I can't believe so many people don't know about this beautiful thing 💔

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