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Seokmin waited on the street impatiently, clicking away on his phone.


He looked up at the familiar voice. With a small smile, he gestured the male to follow him. "Gu-Seoho, an old friend of mine works here, so he wouldn't spread any information about you to anyone to damage your reputation further." They stopped Infront of a desk with two receptionists. "May I speak with Dr. Keonhee?" The blonde lady picked up the phone next to the computer and dialed a number.

"Can I get a name please?" She asked politely while holding the phone to her ear.

"Tell him it's Seok."

A few rings later, she spoke again, "yes Dr. a man by the name of Seok would like a word with you out front." She nodded her head, even though the man on the other side wouldn't be able to see. "Yes sir." She said, hanging up the phone. "He'll be out in one moment, you can seat right over there."

Seokmin nodded at her and guided Seoho to the chairs they had lined against the light yellow colored walls. The two didn't speak at all, they didn't even look at each other. A while later, a door opened and two people stepped out. "I'll see you next week." The man Seoho assumed to be the doctor spoke, watching him wave off a shorter male. He looked over at the two and smiled, "Seokmin! It's been a while. How are you?" The two shook hands and spoke for a moment before Seokmin pointed to Seoho.

"This is my brother I talked to you briefly about. He's got a bipolar disorder. I was wondering if you'd be able to get him in and help him out?" Seokmin asked quietly.

Keonhee nodded happily. "Of course, my schedule is open for the next few hours if you'd like to chat?" Keonhee asked Seoho, who snapped out of whatever day dream he was in. Seoho nodded reluctantly. "Great, I'd love to get to know you a bit before we start sessions, of course if you're up to that." Seoho nodded once again.

"Can I speak with him a bit before I go?" Seokmin said to Keonhee, more saying than asking. Keonhee stepped away and engaged in a conversation with the receptionists to give the siblings some time. "Seoho, I really want this to work out, okay? Just try to make it work at least? I'm not sure how many more times I can try to get help for you. I can't do anything for you if you refuse to help yourself."

Seoho looked into Seokmin's eyes for a moment before agreeing. "I'll go now." He began to walk off, before Seokmin caught hold of the elder's arm and pulled him into a hug.

"Do well, okay? I'll check in once in a while." Seokmin let go and wordlessly left the building.

He stood outside for a moment, watching people bustle about their lives. It had been a few hours since Seungkwan left and wasn't responding to any of Seokmin's messages. He felt bad, really bad about what happened.

However he still couldn't find himself obeying what Seungkwan told him. He had his hood thrown over his head and was walking towards Jisoo's house before he could even register what he was doing. He'd thought about it all day, and was too stubborn to realize Seungkwan was right, they both needed space. Of course, he was ignoring that, ignoring the truth was something he became accustomed to.

He stood outside Jisoo's gate nearly thirty minutes later as the sun started to set. He was thinking it over again, thinking about how bad this could possibly end. He was one hundred percent sure they were rushing into things, but for some reason, he didn't care. Finally, he decided there wasn't much else he could do to resist his reoccurring urge to see the other male and pulled up the sleeves of his hoodie. Swiftly, he found himself climbing over the tall gate and rushing over to the side of the house. If what Seungkwan said was true and Minghao had blocked Seokmin's number on Jisoo's phone, the odds were Minghao was still there and Seokmin was sure he wouldn't want him to see Jisoo. So instead, Seokmin found himself peaking through Jisoo's window like a creep. Jisoo was sitting there on his bed, he checked around again, making sure Minghao wasn't in the room before quietly knocking on the window.

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