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Chan let go of Samuel's legs making him fall to the ground and walked over to the food bar. "A warning would have been nice!" Samuel watched the boy hop over the counter and grab two packages.

"Sorry, here you go." He tossed a pack of gummy worms and Samuel caught them, opening it up.

Seokmin, Minghao, and Jun were all trying to coordinate timing so they could simultaneously pull off a 3 way flip.

Jisoo was leaning against the wall and on his phone.

"Hey Sam, you already opened up the doors right?" Seokmin yelled, looking up from his phone.

"Yeah everything is ready, just need Vernon to get here for the food bar." Seokmin's head snapped up when he heard someone fall.

"Oh my, Seungkwan are you alright?!" Jun shouted and Seokmin ran over to the boy.

"He said who needs to be here?" The boy stuttered out, looking at Seokmin from the ground.

Seokmin's worried look fell from his face. "Whipped."

"What do you mean?!" Seungkwan asked panicked, standing up.

"Nothing, never mind, just be careful." Seokmin ruffled the boys hair and bent down to the floor, moving Seungkwan's pants to be sure he didn't hurt the ankle he fell on.

"I'm fine, you don't have to act like you're my boyfriend or something." Seungkwan scoffed, moving his foot away from the other's reach.

"Well jeez sorry for looking out Kwan." Seokmin rolled his eyes with a snort.

"Pathetic." They both heard someone mumble, already knowing who it was Seokmin took a deep breath.

"I'd like to see you try to do what he's doing then." Seokmin internally smirked when he knew the other wouldn't reply.

All the boys looked over at the sound of the door opening and the boy that walked in looked up from his keys and froze, looking back at all the eyes staring at him. "Hi..?"

They all looked away and continued what they were doing, Vernon casted his gaze back down to the floor and made his way around all of them to his station. Everyone did their own thing when someone else came in the door. A few people actually. Seokmin rushed to the counter and jumped over it, waiting for them to approach.

"Name and hours?" He smiled sweetly at the group that walked in.

"I'm Beomgyu, Kai, Wooyoung, San, Minchan, Chaeyoung, and Yeji. We will all be here for an hour." The boy smiled back. Seokmin typed some things in the computer and wrote on some wristbands, handing the green things to each of them.

Seokmin collected payment from each individual before really looking at them all. "You guys look familiar..?"

"Ah, That's because we go to the same school, Seokmin, right?" Beomgyu smiled, handing the money.

"Yeah, let me know if you guys need anything at all!" He nodded at them all and gestured his hand to the skating area.

Seokmin put away the money to the register, sneaking about five dollars into his pocket.

"Seokmin you are literally rich why are you taking money?" Seungkwan deadpanned from behind him, making Seokmin jump in shock.

"What! I didn't bring money and I want a snack! Have you seen the owner? He's so irresponsible it's not like he would notice anyways." He pointed in the direction of the food bar.

"Yeah ok, why don't you go buy a snack right now then?" Seungkwan lifted one of his eyebrows.

Seokmin looked around, "but what if more peo-"

"Nobody's approaching and it will take 30 seconds."

"Ok but what if Vernon is bu-"

"He's literally sitting down and watching everyone skate."

"But wha-"

"Lee Seokmin it's only five dollars!" Seungkwan protested and pointed to the register, "put back those poor people's money!"

Seokmin looked at him and sighed, opening the register and putting the money back. "You're no fun."

"Whatever. Look, more people pay attention." Seungkwan pointed at the door without looking up from his phone and walking into the back room.

Seokmin looked over and the tiny smile on his face dissapeared. A sly looking boy walked up to the counter and Seokmin pretended to do something on the computer in front of him. "Name and hours."

"Come on, you remember me, all seven hours." He leaned his elbows on the counter. Seokmin backed up farther.

"You can't do that we are closing early." Seokmin nonchalantly replied.

"Then as many as you can give me. You can also give me your number." He smirked, looking at the boy intensely.

"Look, Chanyeol, I don't like you. If you continue to harass me I'll have to kick you out." Seokmin sighed.

"Come on babe, I know you woul-"

"Shownu!" Seokmin called from behind him, the back room door opening. "Please escort this prick outside." The puppy-like boy nodded and walked around the counter, Chanyeol stood up straight with a scoff.

"I can go myself." He snatched his arm away from Shownu's grip.

Seokmin crossed his arms and watched them walk out of the large glass double doors. He felt that all so familiar pressure in the corners of his eyes and looked up to the ceiling, blinking.

No matter how much of a fun or tough presence he put up, there was always his true nature sitting behind it.

The sensitive, caring, and easily embarrassed Seokmin.

"Are you alright..?" Seokmin slowly lowered his head to look beside him. He didn't even notice someone approaching. He stared at the figure standing next to him.

"Why do you care?"


Sorry for not posting in a while, things came up and then they just kept coming, leading me to be a bit overwhelmed.

Sorry for any mistakes :)

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