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Minghao and Seungkwan quietly conversed in the kitchen as they prepared something to eat. "I don't know. It seems like it's suddenly one thing after another with them all of a sudden. It's starting to not feel like a coincidence. Seokmin's brother starts suddenly causing trouble again the same day Jisoo's mother goes missing?" Seungkwan swung his feet back and forth as he picked at the dining chair he sat in.

"You're not wrong," Minghao agreed as he checked the time left on the oven for the millionth time in the past five minutes. "Didn't you also say some of Seokmin's high school friends made an appearance a few days ago? Even though Seokmin moved towns they still are here, isn't that a little odd?" Seungkwan scrunched his nose up.

"No, not as much as everything else. Seokmin also seemed really close with one of them." The two sat in silence again, contemplating.

Seokmin stared at the text message on his screen, looking between it and Jisoo. He couldn't bring himself to speak and felt his breath caught in his throat. "What are you waiting for? What'd he find?" Jisoo began to grow impatient watching Seokmin's eyes dart around the room.

"Jisoo.. can I— can I talk to you about something first? It's not about you, but it's going to make more sense if I tell you first, before I tell you what Felix shared with me." Jisoo could tell something was clearly wrong. He'd never seen Seokmin fidget like he is now.

A wave of concern washed over Jisoo as he watched Seokmin seat himself on the side of the bed. "Back in high school, I was really accepting of myself and was more outgoing than now, I wore what I wanted, said what ever was on my mind, I didn't care how anyone felt about me. I had a lot of close friends, the biggest being Felix and the others. They introduced me to someone, he was new to the school and seemed perfect. At least, he seemed that way in front of the public eye." Jisoo watched as Seokmin shook his head and winced.

He took a deep, shaky breath before continuing. "We got really close and I ended up having feelings towards him." Jisoo felt his stomach churn hearing that. He had no clue where this story was going, but he didn't feel good about it. "After we started dating, hanging out more alone, he changed. He started pushing me around and flaunting his family in my face and how successful he would be. It started to feel less and less like a relationship and more like I was being bullied every second of the day. Eventually it just got worse and he'd—" Seokmin couldn't bring himself to say the words he felt suffocated and hadn't even noticed Jisoo moved to sit next to him until the male had pulled him into his arms.

"I couldn't go a day without being hit." It hurt so much to vocalize his pain. "I wasn't able to wear fun clothes anymore and always had to cover up so no one would know. One day though, he slipped up while we were drinking with friends and," he had tried so hard not to cry but here he was, pushing farther into Jisoo to hide the tears streaming down his face. "He pushed me down the stairs, and he was yelling so loud, over something I can't even remember because it was so stupid. We broke up that night, and I stayed with Felix and his roommates. Felix felt horrible and I kept having to tell him it wasn't his fault, he couldn't have known what he was really like, none of us did."

"It's okay." Jisoo held him tighter, his heart hurt so much and he wanted nothing more than to shut Lee Seokmin away from the world so nothing could ever hurt him again.

"I was never the same, but it was the last I ever saw from him. That's why I moved towns to come here once I graduated. I couldn't stand to stay in that place anymore." Seokmin knew it was time to face reality as he thought about his next words. "My past is coming back to haunt me now though," he laughed bitterly. "That's why my brother suddenly showed up, starting from square one again. My ex, Seojin, he's the son of your uncle's business partner. He agreed to help Jaekyung get to your father's will. They started digging and discovered we were close and Seojin knew it was an opportunity for himself, so now he's fucking with me to help fuck with you."

Jisoo felt like his head would explode on the spot. Everything was too much all in such a short amount of time. He just held Seokmin tighter and rested his cheek on the male's head.

"What am I gonna do?" Seokmin's voice sounded so weak, Jisoo closed his eyes tightly and guided Seokmin to lay down next to him.

"You're not alone in this, Min. I'll call later and have us both excused from classes for a few months. We will figure this out, I promise." Jisoo gently weaves his fingers through Seokmin's hair to soothe the male. He could tell Seokmin was trying to hide the fact he was still crying. They have done a lot of that these past few days. Jisoo wanted it all to stop. He wanted time to stop so they could stay like this until they were ready to face this cruel life again.

To Seokmin, the situation felt near hopeless. What was he going to do if he had to be face to face with the devil that still crept around in his life? The one he thought he was done with? Would Jisoo be by his side this time? Or is he gonna be left alone again?

"Stop thinking so hard, hm? Sleep with me for a little and we will figure it out later." Jisoo whispered and a faint smile tugged its way onto Seokmin's face.

"Don't word it like that."

Jisoo smacked the back of his head and lightly laughed, "don't be vulgar."

"You said it, not me." Seokmin rolled his eyes and pushed himself away, readjusting to a more comfortable place. Jisoo followed after him, laying on his side away from Seokmin.

"I thought we were having a moment." Jisoo secretly pouted to himself, crossing his arms. His breath caught in his throat however, as Seokmin hooked his arm around Jisoo's waist and pulled him into his chest with little to no effort.

"I'm sorry," Seokmin spoke into the back of Jisoo's neck softly. The boy decided then, that Seokmin would drive him crazy. Jisoo pulled his head forward and squirmed a bit.

"Don't do that," Jisoo said as he felt his face heat up.

"Why? Not like it's the worst we've done."

"Seokmin! I think I liked it better when you were letting me baby you a second ago." Jisoo flipped around to hover over the other male. "You aren't being nice, and I'm going to make you nap by yourself if you mess with me anymore." Jisoo glared, waiting on a response, but instead was met with the sound of the door opening and someone choking on their spit.

The two looked at the doorway where Seungkwan had spun around to face the other way faster than you could've blinked. "Sorry! Am I interrupting? Food is ready! I'll go now!"

"That one is on you, Jisoo." Jisoo flicked Seokmin in his forehead and rolled to the other side of the bed, far away from the teasing.

It's been a while, yeah?
How's everyone doing? I finally found time to write more since it's spring break for me right now, hope you are still enjoying my works!

Also are you guys watching boys planet?? Who are your picks? Much love<3

P.S. this chapter has not been read over at all yet so I apologize for mistakes, I almost wrote Seokmin as Seungmin nearly thirty times today ^^

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