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"What was that all about?" Seungkwan asked while stuffing a chili cheese fry in his mouth.

Seokmin sat back down and put the jacket back over his legs. "Highschool friend."

"Friend? But there were two," Seungkwan continued to eat and passed food to both of the others.

"Friend and... Human," Seokmin nodded at his own words and started to eat.

The rest of the time went by achingly slow but eventually, Seokmin was on his skateboard on the way home again. Seungkwan was making small talk with Jisoo a bit behind him and watching Seokmin who was now zoned out. "He looks like an anime character, the hair blowing in the wind and shirt all flowy." Seungkwan giggled picturing his best friend in an anime.

"I can see it." Jisoo said back, trying to keep up with the two on wheels.

A ringtone rung out and Seokmin patted where his back pocket was supposed to be before realizing he still changed outfits. He stopped and turned to Seungkwan and held out his hand. Kwan reached in one of the bags and pulled out the phone.

Seokmin didn't look at the contact and just answered.


"What do you mean?"

"Um, I'm with Kwan and Jisoo, is it fine if they come?"

"Ok, I'll be there." He hung up and handed the phone back. "They are having a surprise party for Samuel, tomorrow is his birthday and his grandma paid for a trip to see his family in America so we will have to see him before he leaves. Jisoo you want to just go home?"

Jisoo shrugged, "I'll tag along, I have nothing else to do."

"Alright, well I'm gonna need to change fir-"

"Nope! You wear that all day!" Seungkwan smiled evilly.

Seokmin kicked up his board and ran the rest of the way to his house, quickly unlocking and walking frustratedly inside. Seungkwan followed and set all his bags on his bed. Jisoo stood in the living room looking lost as ever. "Is there anything I can help with?" Jisoo asked timidly, making eye contact with Seungkwan. Seungkwan shrugged dully and turned back to his room in search for something to gift to Samuel.

Jisoo stared at the closed door before sighing and flopping down into the leather couch. What was he thinking? Or was he even thinking at all? It seemed like just yesterday when Jisoo was having thoughts of pushing Seokmin down the stairs, when now he just thought he wanted to be hugged by the 'filthy' Seokmin. Jisoo sighed and pulled his fingers through his hair. He had officially lost his mind.

He looked up to the loud sound of someone prancing down the stairs like a kid on christmas morning. "If we don't hurry we will miss the entire part of the surprise. Kwan! Get your ass in here!"

"Coming!" Seungkwan messily stumbled out of his bedroom with a decent sized, white bag.

"What did you get him?" Seokmin checked his hair one last time in a mirror hanging on the wall.

"I grabbed an album, it was supposed to be mine but I can just buy another some day." Seungkwan put the bag into his mini backpack, swinging it over his shoulder and grabbing his skateboard. "What about you?"

"He always says he likes the scent I use so I got him an extra bottle of it." Seokmin grabbed his skateboard also and let the others out so he could lock the door behind them. "Jisoo, you can walk a few more blocks right?" Jisoo silently nodded and began following the two once again.

He held his gaze to the ground, only thing in view were the wheels of the other twos' skateboards and the top of his shoes. He kicked a pebble occasionally, listening closely to the light sounds they made as they tumbled across the lukewarm concrete of the sidewalk. "No way, really?" Jisoo zoned back in as Kwan and Seokmin conversed about some of Seok's previous skate competitions.

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