Chapter 2

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Just as I had gotten used to living in this time life just had to throw me another curve ball. All I wanted to do was get some milk and what did I find instead. James Buchanan Barnes. Or at least, I think I saw him. I could have sworn that girl called him Bucky. But that's impossible. It can't have been...could it?

"Hey capsicle do you mind taking your pacing somewhere else. I am getting dizzy." Stark called from across the kitchen. I glared at him for a moment before resuming my pacing just to spite him.

"Steve I'm sure it wasn't him. Maybe your mind was just playing tricks on you." Natasha supplied but I shook my head. It was too real to be a hallucination. I know my best friend when I see him.

"You said he had a kid with him right?"

"Yes. But she called him Bucky."

"Why should that matter."

"Well kids don't normally call their fathers by their first name do they Stark?" I snap, making Tony flinch back. He goes back to preparing dinner without another word. I turn on my heels and head for the elevator but I have a line of avengers in front of me in an instant.

"And where do you think you are going?" Natasha folds her arms across her chest matching my defensive stance.

"Where do you think?"

"Steve you don't even know if that was Bucky. You can't just go up to some random person in the street and start questioning them on their life story."

"Watch me." I push past Nat but am met with yet another obstacle. The elevator doors slide open and who walks out but Nick Fury. I throw my hands up in defeat knowing I won't be going anywhere for a while with Fury here.

I stalk over to the island and slump into a stool accompanied by Natasha who is chuckling to herself.

"You really showed me." She muttered, elbowing me in the side.

"Oh shush." I hiss back, tuning into Fury's conversation with the others.

"We have received intelligence that Hydra has lost track of the Winter Soldier. We need to find him and contain him before anyone gets hurt. With him off the grid the entire world is at risk."

"I'm sorry who?" Heads swivel round to stare at me as if I had grown another head. "What?"

"Of course you wouldn't know who he is. The winter soldier is a Hydra assassin. More kills than you can count, evasive and dangerous."


"There's something else you should know Steve." Fury looked me dead in the eye and suddenly a pit of dread opened up in my stomach.

"He's a super soldier."


Belle didn't leave my side for the rest of the day. I could tell she was worried about me, she had that look in her eye. I tried to convince her I was fine but even I had a hard time believing myself.

Something about that man jump started a memory that had been buried for years. It was unsettling to say the least.

"Bucky you're on the news." Belle said shaking me out of my thoughts. I turned my attention to the TV to see a blurred picture of my alter ego staring back. The heading read:

"The Winter Soldier has escaped his facility. The UN recommends precaution whilst we undergo investigation as to who this man is and where he might go."

"What are we going to do?"

"Lie low. No one knows it's me except for you. We will be safe here I promise, and you know I don't break our promises."

Belle held out her pinky and linked it through mine. I flicked over the channel not wanting to listen to the UN meeting discussing my rights for all to hear. Belle curled into my side positioning herself so my hand was around her shoulder. She sighed into the touch closing her eyes.

"You okay there?"

"Safe." Was all she said.

In My Head • Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now