A bond between two unlikely people would prove to be the glue that brings the avengers back together. But for how long?
Ships: Stucky, Spideypool, Pepperony
- mental health issues will be addressed in varying detail. More specific triggers...
"Put her in there." I ordered as the doors to the medbay swung open. Belle had lost a lot of blood and the wound showed no signs of slowing; too large to sew on the go without the proper equipment.
According to Tony the flight was awful, having to watch what little agents survived the infiltration work to keep her comfortable whilst the avengers consoled Bucky and Steve. I can't imagine what that must have been like for them, having to watch someone so close to them sacrifice themselves for the greater good...
Actually I know exactly what that is like.
"Now!" I yell realising the doctors were hesitant to move her. "If we don't get her body temperature down we will lose her. Now put her in the chamber."
They listened, gentle transferring her from the stretcher to the hyperbaric chamber. Just as I was beginning to stabilize the pressure the doors burst open and Bucky came barreling in.
"You need to leave."
"Like hell I am going anywhere."
"Her core temperature is hovering around 44 degrees Fahrenheit, Doctor Banner." One of the nurses informed me as I returned to the chamber's control panel.
"If we don't bring her back up to temp in the next few hours, she could sustain permanent brain damage." I say on autopilot completely forgetting Bucky was hanging onto my every word. Upon hearing his stuttering breath I turn around and grip his shoulders, forcing his fleeting eyes to stare me down.
"I am going to do everything I can to keep her alive. But until I get her stable you cannot be in here, this is an active surgery." Bucky freezes under my gaze trying to take in everything I was saying. "You can wait outside okay. Just not in here. I promise I will call you back when she is stable."
After a moment he nodded, a barely perceivable motion but I can't complain. I watched as he stumbled out of the room, clumsily turning back every few steps as if Belle was going to vanish in thin air. As soon as the doors closed behind him I had them locked. If I am to save Belle I don't need any more interruptions.
Peter and Wade were huddled on the arm chair, taking turns to weep into the other's chest. Their grief was infectious, the sniffles catching like a virus. Even Natasha was dewy eyed, and I don't think I have ever seen her cry before. The only person who had yet to shed a single tear was Bucky, although his pacing spoke volumes.
"Bucky sit down, please." Bucky stopped in his tracks, staring straight ahead but made no move to join me on the couch.
"It's been hours."
"Bruce would have told us if something went wrong. Sometimes no news is good news." For once Tony's input didn't lead to an all out brawl. Bucky sighed and sat himself down next to me. It was second nature to grab his hand, rubbing my thumb in calming motions until he relaxed.
"She is going to be okay Bucky. That girl is strong; she managed to break through whatever mind control Hydra had on her and saved us all. If anyone can pull through it's her." Bucky smiled but I could tell it was strained. Nevertheless I smiled back: I need to stay strong, if not for Bucky then for Belle.
Bruce cleared his throat from the door startling us all. The look on his face sent a shiver down my spine. I haven't seen an expression so grave since the attack on New York three years ago. I felt Bucky's grip tighten around my wrist, his anxiety radiating off his person.
"How is she?"
"The blast missed her organs, but she lost a lot of blood. I reconstructed what I could but whatever experiments Hydra did to her tampered with her blood on a molecular level. It is completely unique. Without a blood match a transfusion is out of the question and-"
"What are you saying Bruce?" He sucked in his breath, closing his eyes as if preparing himself. That is never good.
"I'm saying we can keep her comfortable, but if her blood level doesn't rise within four to six hours then- then we will need to discuss the terms of her life support."
The colour drained from my face. Discuss the terms of her- what the hell is that supposed to mean? He can't save her? Suddenly my chest felt incredibly heavy, weighed down by grief for a girl I barely knew but would protect with my life. Peter uncurled from Wade's lap and ran from the room, choking on his sobs. Wade and Tony followed, wiping away tears of their own.
"I'm so sorry Bucky. I did everything I could. If you'll excuse me." Bruce's voice was monotonous, an effective response when you want to push all your emotions aside. He left the room in silence.
The sofa shifted as Bucky stood up, using the wall to steady himself. I only had to look in his general direction for his temper to snap and lash out on the wall. His bionic arm went straight through the plasterboard sending plumes of dust everywhere, the majority of which flew straight down his throat.
"Hey! Hey!" I caught his arm before he could punch another hole through the wall and spun him around. "Bucky stop."
"Don't you dare. Don't you dare tell me it's going to be okay. Because of me Belle is on the brink of death with no way to fix her. It's my fault. She's dying and it's my fault." I pulled Bucky closer and as soon as our bodies collided he collapsed into me, balling my shirt in his fists in a feeble attempt to ground himself. His tears soaked into my shoulder and I fought mine back with fierce intent. That's the last thing he needs right now.
"I am not going to let that girl die. I made you a promise, Buck, that I was going to protect both of you. We are going to find a way to bring her back to us, I swear to you we will."
I forgot to include it on the previous chapter but here is how I pictured Echo's powers.
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