Chapter 25

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Wow I have been gone a while. Sorry about that. Updates should be pretty regular from now on I was just really stuck with this chapter.




I woke up hooked to various machines designed to keep me unconscious. Fools, haven’t they figured out yet that I am beyond containment. I would have thought the past few hours stood for something. I swear I am going to kill them all.

I ripped out the tubes and needles, revelling in the pain I caused her body. I can feel her in the back of our mind, her anger spurs me on.

“Belle you’re awake. How are you-” A vine of dark matter wraps around the doctor's neck squeezing until his lips turn blue and eyes are bloodshot. The body drops to the floor with a large thud, bringing with it a tray of medical equipment. The commotion drew several other nurses into the room much to my excitement.

“Where’s the winter soldier.” Three more doctors fell to the ground, a fourth pinned up against the wall. He spluttered something incoherent so, reluctantly, I loosened his grip enough for him to gasp for air.

"He' the...detention level." No doubt looking for intel, Shield probably have their fair share of Hydra Agents locked away.

"Thank you for your cooperation." The ropes clamp down with double the pressure, snapping the doctor's neck. The sound sends shivers down my spine; I have to admit this is all rather thrilling. I have never been on a mission before, Barnes got to have all the fun.

Not anymore.


I get to Echo’s cell only to find a trail of bodies littering the corridor. Each one had a black ring around their neck, a mark of death. The sirens continued to blare ahead and J.A.R.V.I.S was sending various commands across the tower.

I was quickly joined by Steve and Natasha who were both in their suits, weapons at the ready. I caught sight of Natasha's guns and my eyes narrowed.

"What do you plan to do with that?"

“Stand down Barnes. Orders to stun not kill, these won’t hurt her.” Natasha assured. Suddenly both avengers pressed their hand to their ear, obviously being fed information over the coms.

"She's on level ninety. Trying to head down. I think she is looking for you Bucky."

Great. Let's make it easy for her. "Jarvis, announce this to the entire tower. I want Echo to hear this."
A green light flickered in the security camera and I knew the AI was recording. "You want me Echo? Come and get me. I'll be in the common room waiting."

"Bucky what are you-?" I pushed past Steve before he could finish that sentence.

"Getting my daughter back."


I didn't need to wait long. Echo appeared in front of the elevator about five minutes after I had arrived. The trigger words flashed through my mind but I refrained. Not yet. I need to know why she wants me, maybe that will give us some clue as to Hydra's next move.

"I've been looking forward to this for years." Her voice was almost unrecognisable; dark and threatening. It made me wonder if this is what I'm like as the winter soldier.

"What are you waiting for? Come and get me." Echo ran at me sending a bolt of black lightning at my chest. It threw me against the wall and I could hear the stifled gasps of my friends watching. Waiting for the right time to reveal themselves.

Echo climbed on top of me and raised her fist which was shrouded in bubbling red matter. "Fight back, coward."

"No. I'm not going to fight you. But they will."

Three shots rang out and Echo managed to dodge them all. She scuttled across the room putting as much distance as possible between herself and Natasha.

Echo backed herself into the corner, eyes darting to every possible exit. I know what's going through her head. Hydra only gives you two options in situations like this: fight or eliminate yourself. My stomach dropped when her gaze stopped on the balcony door. It had been left wide open, simply begging for her to run outside.

"Echo, you don't have to follow hydra anymore. You are safe here."

"Liar!" She made a break for the door only narrowly dodging Natasha who had managed to creep around the room. She kept going until she reached a small landing pad I assume Stark uses for his suits.

The wind above the clouds seemed to be blowing at gail force. My hair whipped about my face so violently it stung. Echo stumbled under the force of nature getting dangerously close to the edge.

"Echo get away from the edge."

"I can't." I took a step closer and Echo stepped back, her foot almost hanging off the ledge.

"Yes you can." Another step. This time she didn't move. But the magic in her fist grew larger. Cracks began to form on the platform as tiny firework-like explosions burst from her palm.

"Stay back."

"Not until you're safe."

"I'm not safe here. I'm not safe anywhere." Echo screamed and the cracks grew. Everything began to shake and realising I was running out of time I shouted the trigger.

"misiune finalizată. stai în jos soldat." The black magic swirling in her eyes seemed to shrink revealing a terrified girl underneath. She made the tiniest inclination of joining me when the platform snapped in two.

I didn't think twice before jumping after her, wrapping one arm around her waist whilst clinging onto the walkway below with my metal arm.

Belle was sobbing into my chest gripping onto me for dear life as we dangled from the ledge.
"I got you. I got you."

Steve was the first to reach us, pulling us to safety. Belle refused to stand up and to be honest I don't think I could have either. I was shaking so violently I could have passed out then and there. So we sat on that ledge wrapped in each other's arms for as long as possible.

In My Head • Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now