Chapter 22

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The lights in the lab are dimmed, my face illuminated by the screen in front of me. Despite everything that has happened I haven't forgotten Steve's request. This might be the only thing to take my mind off Belle's current situation. Anymore time to dwell on it and I don't think I could go on.

So hacking shield it is. I searched every federal file there is for an Isobel Bedford. Nothing. I switched to Dad's hacking line for Hydra and of course there was nothing there either. They wouldn't keep such data, especially on someone so valuable to them.

Shield is my last shot. They have information on everyone, even recovering some of Hydra's lost files. Belle was taken when she was six, so lawfully her parents must have put her into the system somehow. I just need to dig it up.

"Karen, begin searching for anything regarding ana Isobel Bedford, or relations."

On it Peter.

The loading bar crawled painfully slowly across the screen. My laptop is not equipped for this; even modified it doesn't have the power. I keep my eyes on the screen when the lab doors slide open. Damn I didn't think they would find me so soon.

"Peter don't do that, you scared me." Wade whispered, running up to me and smothering me in a hug. I hugged back, obviously, trying to keep my sniffling to a minimum.

"Are you okay Peter?"

Three perfect matches to the name Bedford. Pulling up info now.

I ignored Dad's rather stupid question and turned my attention back to my laptop. Three windows popped up on screen. The first one belonged to a David Bedford, cause of death: murder. Everything else of value was blacked out.

Next one. Harriet Bedford, cause of death: murder. Like her husband there was no more information.

One left.

Peter, your heart rate has elevated exponentially.

"Pete you don't have to do this now."

"Yes I do. She needs closure, and I am not going to wait until it's too late." I slammed the space bar and dozens of windows crowded my screen, flooded with various documents spanning from medical history to the last known place of education. And a birth certificate.

"May 12th 2004."

Wade places a hand on my shoulder, leaning closer to the screen clearly trying to get a better look.

"Babe what's that?" He moves the cursor so it's over a document labelled 'Project Echo'.


"Oh my god. Karen bring it up on the holoscreen please."

A blue screen appears in the centre of the room and instantly starts bringing up encrypted documents. Decoding them comes naturally, and soon a surplus of documents are at our disposal. The more information appears the further my heart sinks. The hydra crest marks the top of every report - clearly this falls under the many files Shield had stolen.

"'Test subject has responded very well to the terrigenesis. We expect the cocoon to be broken within the hour' What is this?"

"Terrigenesis. We had a shield team investigate this a couple of years ago, one of our own was affected. We knew Hydra got a hold of the crystals but they said they didn't use them."

"Dad I don't understand. What's terrigenesis?"

"A genetic mutation triggered by the mist produced by terrigen crystals. A couple of years ago Agent Coulson managed to free the inhumans, securing the crystals from Hydra's hands. One of them must have slipped his grasp. Or this happened way before the outbreak even started."

"There's no date anywhere. Just pages and pages of log updates." Wade remarked, scrolling through the data. He hesitated over one page in particular then brought his hand to his mouth.

"I think I'm going to be sick." Wade ran his hand through his hair, teleporting across the room to get away from the screen. I near enough stopped breathing when I began reading aloud the report.

"Test subject has completed her first week of training. The modified crystals seemed to have had an unusual effect on her mind, reacting with our brainwashing technology to create a second personality. This second subject seems to hold the training, reacts well to combat and uses their powers effortlessly. For now we have coded them Echo. We are attempting to strengthen Echo's powers; eventually aiming to wipe out the original."

"They trained Echo to destroy Belle." The words clawed my throat to shreds but it had to be said. Echo isn't just a danger to us, but to Belle as well. If we don't find a way to get her out we could lose Belle indefinitely.

"I will get Bruce to send some samples to the Playground. The specialists there may be able to help us." Dad starting tapping away on his phone but hesitated on the send button.

"We should keep this from Bucky and Steve. Not forever, just until Belle is more stable. We don't need to worry them any further."

"Dad..." That's cruel. I so desperately want to say it but I know he is right. This could break Bucky. Would break bucky.

"Fine. I won't tell him. But you know he is going to find out at some point."




Well this is gonna turn out well :D

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