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"Let's go!" Namjoon ushered the group to start their plan.

Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook hid behind the door whilst Jin shouted for the soldiers.

"Help! I'm being attacked!!" He yelled at the top of his lungs all while Hoseok sat on him, pretending to punch and hit Jin's face.

Almost immediately, three soldiers came running from down the hallway and burst through the door. "What's going on?" One of them asked, Kang Yeosang, the other two soldiers looked at Jin and Hoseok with confusion.

Taehyung briefly made eye contact with Jungkook and Jimin before whacking the three soldiers on the back of their heads with a wooden baseball bat they had found in the 'rest room', making them drop to the floor, knocked out. Any harder and they definitely would have killed them.

"We did it!" Jungkook fist bumped Taehyung and Jimin triumphantly.

Hoseok stood up from sitting on Jin, a wide grin on his face until the elder flared him to help him up from the floor. "Quick, get their uniforms!" He pushed the three youngest towards the soldiers now unresponsive bodies.

The three of them all nodded and began to undress themselves rather quickly, pulling on the soldiers uniforms onto their tired bodies. After changing, the five of them waited in that same room for another ten to fifteen minutes for Namjoon and Yoongi to come back with some more uniforms for Hoseok and Jin.

"I really hope Ellie is okay..." Jimin muttered while fiddling with the oversized uniform that hung on his slightly smaller frame.

"Same here but what if they already started the operation?" Jungkook stated.

The second those words echoed in the room, Taehyung could feel his heart clench and ache in his chest. The mere thought of not being able to see Ellie smile again really did something to his mind.

The group continued to express their concerns about the girl's wellbeing and recalling their memories with her. In such a short space of time, they had learned to accept and love her as one of their own in their tiny family of eight, formerly seven, people. However, it all seemed to halt the second Jungkook embarrassed his friend.

"Taehyung, if we make it out of this, why don't you confess to Ellie?" He smirked.

Said boy immediately choked on his saliva, face turning multiple shades of red and his perfect facial features scrunched up in embarrassment.

"I can't do that." Taehyung stuttered.

Anyone could plainly see that the boy was head over heels in love with Ellie but when you live in a world where you have to be constantly aware of your surroundings, your thoughts and feelings are usually pushed to the side. It was he first time in months that Taehyung was able to openly talk about his feelings but if truth be told, he didn't want to confess.

He was content with the pair of them just being comrades in this dangerous world.

"Jungkook has a point though. You like her don't you?" Namjoon tilted his head in confusion while the whole group stared at their friends red face. "It's very obvious that you love her Taehyung so why not just go for it?"

'No, I don't want to. There's more important things in the world than my feelings. Ellie's life is in danger.' Taehyung thought to himself, stubborn and set in his ways.

But he couldn't deny the thundering of his heart when he could vaguely hear the girl's laugh in his ears, her goddess-like face appearing in his mind.

"Maybe I do but I know she doesn't feel the same, not after everything that happened with Minhi." He fumbled with the heavy uniform that rested on his body, guilt wracked his body

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