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"I give up! I have no clue what it is!" Bambam pouted.

"Wait! One more guess! Are you thinking off a kitten?..." Yugyeom guessed as his final answer. He vowed to himself that if he couldn't guess it correctly one final time, he would give up and much to his disappointment, he hadn't guessed the correct answer.

"Nope! You've said every other animal except the one I'm thinking of." the girl laughed loudly before folding her arms in front of her chest.

"What is it then? I have no clue!" Yugyeom whined to the girl sat behind him.

•it's fluffy
•has claws
•sleeps a lot
•cute but deadly
•lives in Australia

Ellie shook her head incredulously at the two brothers before speaking."I was thinking of a koala bear! I thought it was an easy one too since it's my favourite animal!" she pouted.

The two boys sat in disbelief at their best friend. They really hadn't thought of Ellie's favourite animal but when they thought about the clues she had given them once more it made sense.

"Are you serious?" Bambam spoke in an irritated tone of voice. He was extremely competitive when it came to silly games like the one they had just played.

"Whatever, I'm over this game already." Yugyeom stated matter of factly, sulking that he hadn't got the answer correct when it was such an easy question.

Ellie, however, couldn't stop laughing in the back seat of the car, the childish mood that the two boys gave off filled the atmosphere. She was amazed at how competitive they were against each other but it made sense in her mind since they were, in fact, brothers. Their personalities collided against each other so much that it was almost impossible to believe that they loved each other.

"Bro! When will the traffic lights change?" Yugyeom spoke suddenly whilst still behaving like a toddler.

"How am I supposed to know? It looks like there's some congestion further up." Bambam snapped at him.

After her laughing session, Ellie just sat in the back of the car quietly while looking at the blade in her lap and listening to the two brothers argue. Yugyeom and Bambam were currently taking her to sword practice while they were heading to watch their baseball game.

She already told them that she would take the bus but they wouldn't listen.

Both Yugyeom and Bambam were now quarrelling over the fact that the traffic lights had been red for 30 minutes now. The game they played together was a mere distraction but now that it was over, the irritation came back about how the car wasn't moving even a little. It was driving the poor girl insane but she loved them regardless.

They meant everything to her.

She looked at her reflection in the car window, satisfied with how she looked. Long blonde hair was sweeped back into a high ponytail, a pair of black leggings with a white crop top and a black hoodie rested on her tiny figure. She had worn her favourite black Nike trainers to complete the outfit. The girl never wore any makeup because of something Yugyeom had told her in the past.

"You're a natural beauty, you don't need it."

And from that day forward, his words were enough to convince her that she was beautiful.

Out of nowhere, a policeman stopped next to the car window on a motorcycle. He motioned Ellie to scroll the window down so she did and he started yelling in her face.

"STAY IN YOUR VEHICLE AT ALL TIMES!" He screamed at the poor girl while she just sat there and nodded to him slightly. She also noticed that Yugyeom and Bambam had stopped arguing and was looking at the policeman in confusion.

"Why do we have to stay in the car?" Bambam asked him.

"Because-" he was cut off.

A huge land rover had crashed into him, knocking him flying and killing him instantly. His blood then sprayed all over the front windscreen and the car situated next to them.

Ellie's eyes widened in horror.

She had just witnessed someone being murdered and as if that wasn't enough, a huge explosion had gone on further down the road. Her mouth dropped open as she witnessed a whole complex of apartments go up in flames. People, who were on fire, jumping from their windows into the street below, committing suicide.


How else would a block of apartments go up in flames?

Without thinking, she opened the car door and stepped out completely shocked and ignoring the thousands of screams around her.

"Ellie! Get back in the car!" Bambam called out to her.

His voice was drowned out by the thousands of screams around her. She was far too focused on watching all of those innocent people dying as they jumped from their apartments down onto the pavement.

"ELLIE! GET IN THE CAR!" Yugyeom yelled so hard that his voice cracked.

She hesitantly got back in the car, Yugyeom's voice awakening the girl from her state of shock but the second she sat in the backseat, Bambam started speeding down the street, swerving between the gaps of the cars.

"Bro! Watch out!"

A huge FedEx truck had crashed into Ellie and Yugyeom's side of the car.

The car was flipped onto its side due to the force of the crash, the windows smashing instantly along with Ellie's body being jostled about the damaged car. She harshly hit her head on the door frame, knocking her out completely.

If only she had worn her seatbelt.

Everything around her seemed to turn black as she could focus on nothing but the intense ringing in her ears. She wasn't sure how much time had passed but eventually she could hear Bambam's voice, pulling her back to her conscious mind.

"Ellie! Yugyeom she's not responding!" Bambam sounded so desperate and worried.

Slowly, her vision started becoming clear again and that's when she realised that the car was laying on it's side and she was pressed up against the window. She looked up through the smashed window frame and saw Bambam with a distressed look.

"Ellie! Can you hear me?!" Bambam pleaded.

"What happened?" She groaned and tried to get up but failed. The girl hissed in pain as she could no longer feel the whole right side of her body.

"Are you okay? We crashed pretty badly and you hit your head, forcing you to black out momentarily. Come on, we need to get out of here." He replied whilst trying to lift her out of the damaged vehicle.

The boy pulled with all his might to lift the girl out of what remained of the car before setting her down onto the pavement.

Everyone was still screaming and running as if their lives depended on it.

Ellie found herself clutching tightly at the Katana in her arms and she chuckled in disbelief at the fact that she had held onto it so tightly.

The two looked over at Yugyeom who had a deep gash on his forehead, blood pouring from the open wound. He spotted the pair of them and quickly made his way over, ignoring the pain in his left leg.

"I'm so glad you're both alright!" He engulfed the two into a hug and held onto them tightly. He was sobbing so hard to the point where he was losing his breath so Ellie started patting his back to comfort him.

Suddenly, the girl heard a woman screaming to their left. She let go of the two brothers and turned her full attention to the woman, frozen in place.

"What's wrong with her?" Ellie questioned the two boys who hadn't heard her since they were talking amongst themselves, completely engrossed in their conversation.

And that was when she saw the first one.

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