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After Ellie had been separated from the rest of the guys, several soldiers were now escorting the young girl to a large room that was full of doctors. One in particular was sat on a stool with a switched on monitor in front of him.

They seemed preoccupied with something until one of the soldiers, Kim Hongjoong that was holding onto Ellie, cleared his throat to gain the doctors attention.

One doctor in particular though caught the girl's eyes.

His dark eyes were burning onto Ellie's figure, making her feel slightly uncomfortable. A sharp prominent jaw, chiseled nose, strong black eyebrows and deep cheekbones, each feature complimenting one another.

However, in contrast to his cold looking face, he had dimples that indicated happiness and frivolity whenever he smiled.

"Hello miss, what's your name?" He asked, not breaking the eye contact.

'Choi San' was written in black bold letters on his uniform. (A/n: one final time, stan ATEEZ! 🥰I promise you won't be disappointed!)

"Why should I give you my name?" Ellie replied blankly.

The mysterious man chuckled awkwardly before introducing himself.

"I'm one of the head doctors here at this facility. I work for the American government and it's my job to find a vaccine for the Stalker parasite. My name is Choi San, I promise you're in safe hands." He tried his best to appear friendly.

The man then stood up from his chair and came right in front of me. "The bite you have is the key to finding a vaccine for the Stalker parasite." he sighed and moved my jacket to look at my shoulder. "You're not the first person to claim immunity, I've dealt with five others in the past seven months and none of them turned out to be true."

He paused again and sat back down in his chair, his eyes piercing at me again.

"The parasite didn't work when you were bitten since your bite mark shows signs of immunity. But, in order to make a vaccine, we need to see how your brain and spinal column has adapted to the Stalker parasite." He took a long sigh before walking over to tray full of surgical equipment.

"In other words, you want to operate on me?" Ellie concluded.

Choi San just nodded flatly, hesitating to tell the girl one final, important detail.

"I must inform you however, there is a possibility that you may not wake up again after the surgery since we will need to properly analyse the functionality of your brain and spinal column."

Ellie went stunned, unsure of how to process the information.

'If I consent to the surgery, I might not ever wake up again?' The girl thought to herself.

Deep down, Ellie knew it was the correct thing to do in order to put an end to the Stalker apocalypse. It would have ended her pain and suffering regarding Yugyeom and Bambam too.

However, she didn't exactly want to leave Taehyung and the rest of the guys alone.

They had become like a family to her.

"I know it's a lot to take in but I advise you to accept our offer so that we can help the human race. You will be able to save your friends that you came here with." Choi San stated, trying to encourage the girl to go through with the surgery.

Ellie couldn't believe what she was hearing.

'Me, helping the human race? A vaccine for the Stalker parasite?'

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