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"Ugh...fuck it."

Not thinking twice and before she could convince herself not to help, the girl jumped from the roof of the cinema and onto the pavement, stepping in front of the group who watched her in bewilderment.

She knew that if she watched them die by the hands of some Stalkers, she would feel a great deal of regret and guilt.

Within seconds, the girl unsheathed her sword and began slashing the Stalkers individually. One particular incident lead to her stabbing the blade right into the Stalkers eye and straight through its skull, killing it instantly and blood spurting everywhere.

It started proving difficult to kill them all on her own and she started getting irritated.

"Are you just gonna stand there? Or are you gonna fucking help me?" The girl turned to the seven guys who stood behind her in bewilderment.

One of them immediately acted, hitting the remaining Stalkers with his black crowbar that had newly been sharpened.

The guy was relatively tall, extremely good looking and his jet black hair hung lowly over his dark eyes. Wide, broad shoulders that seemed to make him more handsome and manly.

Of course, Ellie never said any of this out loud since she had to focus on killing the parasite-infected people in front of her but she couldn't deny his godly facial features.

After she deemed it to be safe once killing all of the Stalkers in the area, Ellie put her Katana back in its case and started wiping the blood, that landed on her face during the killing spree, with the back of her hand.

She was about to walk away from the group, not sparing them a glance until one of them spoke.

"Hey...thanks. You saved us." He smiled, dimples showing on his dirt-stained cheeks. Ellie found him extremely handsome too, just like the guy who helped her.

Actually, if she was honest, the whole group contained boys that looked ethereal and it made her feel a little dizzy that she was stood in front of guys that were as handsome as they were.

She turned fully to brush of his words nonchalantly but a single gaze caught her eye. Staring back at him, her gaze landed on a particular guy who she thought belonged to Gucci as one of their models.

His beauty was immeasurable.

Thick, brown locks that were slightly tousled and messy. Long eyelashes that lined his almond eyes and casted tiny shadows on his pale cheeks. Strong, dark eyebrows that framed his face with shock. A sharp nose that was set in the middle of his perfectly sculpted face along with a tiny freckle that decorated the very tip. Pink lips were settled into a small circle due to shock.

He looked like an angel.

This one guy was staring constantly but a blush started rising on his cheeks causing him to immediately look away from the girl.

Ellie let out a sigh before adjusting her backpack that had moved to an uncomfortable position on her back, her right hand clutching her Katana tightly. "Did you not have enough ammo?" She asked the group rather bluntly.

"We stocked up before coming here but there was just too many for us to deal with." One of them grinned, his face immediately brightening up.

"It's your fault that it happened in the first place Hoseok!" Another guy shouted, anger written all over his face.

"I already apologised..." Hoseok was now pouting instead of smiling.

Ellie watched the group with fascination. She had never seen a bunch of people that were this rowdy before her whole life. Even Bambam and Yugyeom were half as rowdy as these strangers in the girl's opinion.

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