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It had now been 7 months since Bambam and Yugyeom died.

Ellie struggled immensely with the fact that she killed them, extreme feelings of guilt would surface at least once every day. However, she knew deep down that her best friends would have been a little grateful that she ended their suffering for them.

Who wouldn't want their suffering to be cut short by someone they love? It's better than a complete stranger, right?

She had her ways of coping which was to cry every night before going to sleep.

The poor girl just felt really lonely but she knew that she would never be close to anyone again now that she was aware of how much it hurts to lose them.

She heard through a nationwide broadcast from the American government that the entire world had succumbed to this zombie apocalypse, not just America. Not a single country in the whole world was safe from the situation except one, tiny little island located in South America which she had decided she would travel to.

But she had a long journey ahead before she could even consider herself as 'safe'.

Something she didn't understand though is that she still hadn't turned into one of those things. After being jumped on and bitten, she thought that she would turn immediately, just like Yugyeom and Bambam, but she didn't.

She also found out exactly how the apocalypse came about in the first place.

Two weeks prior, she was collecting medical supplies in a local hospital located back in her hometown. While she was there, she ran into a couple who were collecting their own supplies before they told Ellie how everything happened after she asked for closure.


"Do you know how this happened?" The curious girl asked.

"Apparently, the government wanted to test a new vaccine for the flu on a few willing people to see how they react to it since it was supposed to be more effective" Meghan replied whilst eating some tinned pineapple.

"However, given the current situation, they didn't get the result they wanted since the vaccine contained a parasite which is dangerous to humans, thus turning them in Stalkers." Oliver explained, confusing the girl even more.

"Wait, what's a Stalker?" Ellie continued to question the couple who looked to be in their early thirties.

"Those things out there." Oliver replied flatly, amazed at the young girl's inability to piece the information together.

It was to be expected though, she was just eighteen after all. The girl had many more things and lessons to learn in the world.

In that sense, she was extremely naive.

"Ah...I see. Thank you for explaining it to me."

Meghan sighed before putting down the now empty tin that once contained pineapple chunks. She completely focused on the younger girl sat in front of her.

"It's said that every country in the world has been affected except a small island in South America. 5% of the world's population are supposed to be immune to this parasite depending on their blood type."

"The bite mark just turns an ugly yellow colour and blisters slightly when this happens to someone, therefore leaving them with a scar." Oliver mumbled, feeling slightly annoyed that he wouldn't be immune due to his own blood type.

This immediately caught Ellie's attention as her own bite mark had turned yellow and blistered slightly. She decided to hide it from others with a grey turtle neck that she was wearing.

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