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"What are we supposed to do now?!" Taehyung shouted.

A huge hoard of Stalkers was surrounding the group, every single one of them looking at the boys with the intent to kill, not showing any mercy.

To his right, Taehyung heard the click of a pistol. His gaze met Namjoon's who was loading up his pistol as a back up weapon. He had ran out of arrows for his bow so he was only left with his pistol.

"Well we can't just stand here! Use all the ammo you have, make every shot count!" he yelled at the group making them jump, but his words made them realise that they was in severe danger.

Seconds after he spoke, a single Stalker jumped onto Namjoon, pinning him down onto the floor and trying to bite his skin to pass the parasite on to his body.

Much to his appreciation, Jimin immediately pointed his rifle at the Stalker on top of him and pressed the trigger. Blood splattered everywhere and onto Namjoon's face as the head of the Stalker blew apart from the sheer force of the bullet that travelled from Jimin's rifle into its skull.

Breathless and grateful, Namjoon sighed in relief before briefly turning to the younger boy.

"Thanks Jimin, I owe you."

"You're welcome but it's not over yet!" Jimin stated, motioning over to the hoard of Stalkers that continued to run towards the group.

"How many are there?! Surely we killed them all by now!" Jin yelled in exasperation and disbelief.

"It's all your fault Hoseok!" Yoongi complained. "This is the last time you are going with us to search for supplies!"

"I already apologised! What else do you want me to fucking say?!"

"Guys! This is no time to fight, we need to concentrate!" Jungkook reasoned, annoyed that his friends were even arguing during their current situation.

The boys loaded up their weapons one last time with the little amount of ammo they had left. Every single one of them were consumed by fear as they could see that they were easily outmatched by the hoard of Stalkers.

One clear thought ran throughout their minds;

'I don't want to die.'

Meanwhile, still on the rooftop of the cinema, Ellie was having an inner conflict with herself on whether or not she should help this group of seven guys.

The rational part of her was telling her to save them since they would have wanted to survive just like her. However, the non-merciful side of her personality told Ellie to stay quiet and let them die considering that they could possibly be ungrateful once she saved them.

Or they would try and force her to travel with them which would only cause the girl to suffer in the long term.

The last thing she wanted was to be heartbroken again after getting close to a bunch of strangers. Besides, she only had enough love in her heart for Bambam and Yugyeom even though they were no longer alive.

Ellie had learned to fully appreciate her best friends after they had been ripped away from her life.

The girl knew that she took their existence for granted.

*Flashback to 7 months earlier*

Without thinking, she let go of their hands and picked up the Katana beside her which had dropped out of her hands and onto the floor due to shock.

She figured that if she couldn't leave them and run away, she would at least help lessen their pain. That way, she would be with them until the very end.

"I'm sorry Yugyeom, I love you." Without thinking twice, she unsheathed the blade and swung fast, immediately cutting Yugyeom's brain in two, killing him instantly. His blood spurted out onto the pavement around them.

She turned back to Bambam and before she could say anything to him, she saw his body behaving in the same manner as Yugyeom and the woman.

So, once again, she lifted the sword up and spoke in a small voice "I love you Bambam, I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused you."

And with that, she swung the sword down and into his brain in a similar manner to Yugyeom, killing him as well.

She looked at their now lifeless bodies laid on the pavement in front of her and that's when she felt something change deep within her soul.

*End of flashback*

Hot, steamy tears ran down her face, eyes turning bloodshot and puffy, her entire body shaking as she sobbed.

"Bambam, Yugyeom...I miss you." Ellie choked out, trying her best to suppress the sobs in case the hoard of Stalkers or the group of seven guys on the street below heard her crying.

She had never realised it until now but the poor girl felt extremely lonely. She had absolutely no one to turn to for comfort or even just a civilised conversation.

And it bothered her to no end.

Slowly calming down, her ragged breathing becoming slow once more, she faced a difficult situation. As much as she wanted to deny her thoughts and feelings, she wanted someone to comfort her and tell her that everything would be okay.

She was tired of being all alone in this destroyed world. The last thing Ellie needed was to be heartbroken again since it would break her soul apart but she wanted to talk to others and tell them all about her interests.

She wanted a normal life, not one full of pain and suffering.

However, when you live in an apocalypse, it's hard to find a sense of normality considering that other survivors would either be understanding or insanely irrational.

Gathering up all of her courage, she stood back up on her feet, picked up her Katana and took a deep breath before walking to the edge of the rooftop.

Peeking ever so slightly, the girl felt a bit dizzy as she stared at the pavement below her.

It was at least a 10m drop.

But then she pushed her phobia aside, watching with anxiety as the group of seven guys still tried their best to fight the last remaining Stalkers from the hoard.

Admittedly, she was impressed with their skills and aiming when it came to fighting/shooting. It was her first time observing others that had the same skill level as her own considering she had seen countless people fall prey to the parasite after being bitten by a Stalker.

It was refreshing for her to watch people who could easily survive if they had enough supplies.

However, all of that stopped the second that she saw them start to struggle as they had completely run out of ammo.

"Ugh...fuck it."

Not thinking twice and before she could convince herself not to help, the girl jumped from the roof of the cinema and onto the pavement, stepping in front of the group who watched her in bewilderment.

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