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After leaving the hospital a little more than a month ago and parting ways with Minhi, the group had reached the border between North America and Mexico.

However, Jin was starting to grow more irritated with the rest of the group since they were constantly complaining. Besides Ellie of course who just watched the group silently in amusement.

"My feet hurt."

"I'm tired."

"I want food."

Those words were repeated constantly amongst the group until Jin reached his breaking point.

"Can you all stop complaining about everything? I'm in the same situation as you all and yet I've not complained about a single thing!" Jin glared at his friends.

An audible sigh was let out from the rest of the guys, causing Jin's irritation to spike even more.

"I wonder when we'll get there." Ellie spoke out, trying to diffuse the situation.

"Well considering we keep passing lots of signs saying 'safe house ahead', we will probably get there soon." Namjoon replied, staring at his feet as the group continued to walk.

Ellie was walking between Taehyung and Jungkook, both of them holding onto her hands while her katana was hanging out of the backpack that was strapped to her back.

She liked it whenever the guys held onto her hands, it provided her with the comfort she had missed for months.

However, out of nowhere, the bite mark on her shoulder started itch really badly making her roughly scratch it to try and relive the irritation, so hard that the scabbed wound started to bleed.

"What is it Ellie? Does your bite mark hurt?" Taehyung glanced at the girl, slightly on edge.

She could tell he was worried incase she turned into a Stalker even though it would have already happened by now.

"Not really, it itches really badly." Ellie sighed, pressing her cold hands against the bleeding wound, the red liquid staining her clothes and the palms of her hands. Jungkook and Taehyung watched the girl with both worry and fear as their gazes were fixated onto her tiny figure.

She was clearly uncomfortable and in pain.

"Guys, look!" Hoseok yelled suddenly,  pointing in front of the group as he dragged Jimin with him in a sprint.

In front of them stood an enormous army base, a black building that was protected by a large group of soldiers. The group figured that this army base was a halfway point that survivors could go to when travelling towards the deserted island in the southernmost part of South America.

All of the soldiers we're carrying guns, initiating fear in the group.

"Hoseok! Wait for the others!" Jimin panted.

Slowly, they reached the entrance to the
army base and almost immediately the two soldiers stood at the main entrance noticed their presence and loaded their guns.

"Hold it." one of the two soldiers stopped them. "Why are you here?" He asked, looking up and down at the eight people in the small group.

His tone of voice was threatening and firm.

The names 'Kang Yeosang' and 'Park Seonghwa' were written on a badge that was fastened to their uniforms.
(A/n: yes this is Yeosang and Seonghwa from ATEEZ😂stan ATEEZ! 🥰They're an amazing group!)

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