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"What the fuck was that?" Ellie spat, Taehyung's words repeating in her mind. "What do you mean, you're feeling guilty?"

The three boys were astounded and shocked at her sudden appearance. Jimin and Jungkook looked at their friend expectantly, waiting for him to explain his words.

But he didn't. Taehyung remained silent. Mute even.

The atmosphere was so tense and somewhat awkward around the four of them as nobody dared speak. Jimin and Jungkook continuously looked between Ellie and Taehyung who were just staring at each other before looking at one another and deciding to leave.

"We'll leave you both to it...I'm sure you have a lot of things you want to talk about." Jimin broke the silence and within a matter of seconds, him and Jungkook scurried out of the truck to join up with the rest of the members.

"Good luck Tae!" Jungkook yelled as the pair scurried away from the vehicle.

Taehyung yelled a string of curse words at his friends in his mind for leaving him alone with Ellie but he knew he needed to face her at some point. He just fiddled with his hands, the dull ache in his abdomen still making him wince whenever he moved. The boy could feel Ellie's intense state on him, the irritation radiating off of her in large waves.

Until she pushed him further.

"Well?" Her arms were crossed across her chest, a scowl on her facial features.

He sighed deeply before feeling his defence wall breaking down, the guilt eating him up even more the longer he stared at her.

'Come on Tae...just be honest with her.' He thought to himself, his heart threatening to jump out of his chest.

There was a very long pause until he spoke up, letting out a deep sigh.

"Before I tell you, promise me that you won't hate me." He trailed off, avoiding Ellie's now confused gaze.

Said girl just nodded, starting to become impatient with Taehyung but her silence wasn't helping him at all, if anything it made him more hesitant to tell her the complete truth.

'Just tell her!'

'But what if she hates me?'

'It's not fair to her if you continue to lie!"

"Surely that's better than the complete truth though.?"

The boy was having an inner conflict with himself. Both guilt and anxiety tearing him apart and making his own thoughts conflict on another. It wasn't until he saw how determined Ellie looked that he decided to just be upfront and honest with her.

With his hands trembling as they clutches his abdomen, he was honest about everything.

"I stopped them for making a vaccine..."

The miniscule second that those words left his chapped, pink lips, Ellie's face changed from determination to absolute shock and confusion.

So Taehyung decided to continue.

"I didn't want them to kill you for something uncertain. To me, your life is worth more than that so I couldn't just stand there and let them end your life like that." He could feel a lump forming in his throat, eyes turning watery at the thought of never seeing Ellie again. "I'm sorry, I know you'll hate me now but there's so much that I want to do with you-"

"Woah, hold on Taehyung." She cut him off, holding out her palm in front of him before jumping into the back of the army truck and closing the doors behind her. "First of all I'd never hate you or any of the guys, despite all of the shit we've been through with Minhi. Second of all, I knew that it wasn't guaranteed to work so, if anything, I should be grateful to you for stopping it." She paused before smiling to herself gently. "I know that Yugyeom and Bambam wouldn't be happy with me if I just threw my life away like that just to be a test subject for the government. They'd be making a ruckus in heaven if I did that." She shrugged her shoulders.

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