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After checking that the place was empty of any wandering Stalkers, the group all gathered in the reception of the hospital.

"Right okay, let's split into groups" Namjoon said quietly. "Ellie, Taehyung, Minhi and Jungkook in one group and the rest of us in another group."

Ellie internally groaned.

Minhi audibly scoffed.

'Why the fuck am I grouping with the annoying bitch and irritating dickhead? At least I have Jungkook.' Ellie thought to herself, lightly smiling at the youngest who stood next to her,

"We should sort out your wounds too..." Jungkook whispered in Ellie's ear, not forgetting her busted lip and bruised appearance because of Minhi's abuse.

Ellie just nodded, feeling grateful that she had at least one person on her side.

"Namjoon, can't you take Ellie's place?" Minhi whined.

"Nope. Ellie is the strongest out of the group so if anything happens, you'd be safe." he replied whilst focusing on the colourful map that was plastered on the wall behind the hospital's front desk.

"But Namjoon-"

"Just go will you? You're so irritating." Yoongi spat at her, taking her by surprise.

When the group were idols, Yoongi never lashed out on anyone since he had a reputation and public image to uphold. He got annoyed from time to time but he never shouted at anyone when in the presence of their fans.

However it did the trick and Minhi immediately shut up, no longer whining and complaining.

"Alright, we'll go find somewhere to sleep tonight whilst you guys look for supplies." Jungkook sighed, breaking the tension that was present between the group.

Minhi's presence was starting to affect the group's dynamic and everyone was aware of this fact.

Nobody chose act upon it however.

Three hours later, Ellie's group were still looking for an empty room that they could sleep in but it was proving difficult as the hospital was enormous.

Each room was full of dead bodies, blood painted everywhere on the walls. Some bodies were patients that had died in their sleep on outbreak day, other bodies were workers that had no control over the parasite which resulted in them becoming Stalkers.

But someone had clearly come into the hospital and murdered them all. The person responsible however, was still unknown.

"Ugh, I'm so tired." Jungkook complained.

"I know, same here, we'll find a room eventually." Taehyung sighed, rubbing his sore shoulder.

"Tae~ Please carry me again! I'm tired too!" Minhi whined once again to Taehyung.

"Fine...get on." he bent down in front of the irritating female, allowing her to jump onto his back.

Ellie watched the whole situation silently.

She made a promise with herself to only speak to Jungkook until Taehyung apologised to her. There was no way in hell she was speaking to Minhi, not after she beat up the poor girl.

However, something Ellie didn't realise was that her body was reaching its limit, the bruises and damaged cause by Minhi had definitely made her weaker.

She was certain that there was internal bleeding in the areas affected.

So just as Taehyung picked Minhi up, Ellie grabbed onto Jungkook's arm, the exhaustion and pain clearly present on her face the more they walked through the hospital.This immediately alerted the boy and made him worry when Ellie started crouching onto the floor, the bruises clearly affecting her physical ability.

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