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"We're almost there! Stop asking! That's the fifteenth time you asked!" Jin yelled in frustration.

"But we've been driving for hours! I just wanna get out an explore..." Jungkook pouted, fiddling with his seatbelt.

"Idiot, you know that's not safe until we do a thorough check." Namjoon rolled his eyes before lightly patting the youngest on the top of his head.

Taehyung just sat there in the back of the pickup truck, listening intently to the conversation. The wind whipped past them at a remarkable speed, reminding the boy that he needed to hold on tightly as Jin was driving the truck at least 80mph.

The conversation inside the truck seemed to ease as Jungkook stopped pestering Jin who sat behind the wheel with an angry expression on his face. Yoongi sat next to Jin in the passenger seat, dozing off without a care in the world whilst Namjoon sat next to the youngest boy in the back seat, intent and focused on reading the book he found a few weeks ago at a library they decided to explore.

None of them didn't even bother to ask their friend what the book was about considering it was written fully in English and none of them were as fluent as Namjoon.

They recognised the title of the book however; The Maze Runner.

Pulling Taehyung out of his thoughts, Hoseok started talking to Jimin who was laid down next to him.

"I just remembered, didn't you want some ammo Jimin? You said that you ran out the other day." He asked before reaching deep into his duffle bag and offering the boy a bunch of rounds for his rifle.

"Thanks Hoseok." Jimin smiled, taking the bullets and stuffing them inside his backpack, trying his best to be careful with them since they were live rounds of ammunition.

10 minutes later, the truck came to halt followed by Jin turning off the ignition, opening his car door roughly and slamming it shut.

"We're here." Jin stated to the group, his voice laced with irritation after the youngest pestered him to no end throughout the whole journey.

"Fuck yeah!" Jungkook cussed before immediately jumping out of the car in anticipation, slinging his backpack onto his back and sprinting away from the truck, completely ignoring the glare that the eldest was giving him.

"Let's search the city for supplies." Yoongi proposed to which everyone nodded.

They decided to go altogether since it wasn't smart to split up into smaller groups. If anything bad happened, they would all be able to help each other.

Even if it meant that their pickup truck was at risk of being stolen.

At least they would be together, just like they have for the last several years.

Before they abandoned the pickup truck completely, the group decided to take all of their ammo and weapons with them just incase the truck wasn't there when they came back.

The last thing they needed was to have their supplies stolen by some strangers.

"I can't wait to get this over with." Jimin sighed, loading his gun with the bullets Hoseok had given him.

"Same here, but can we please be careful once we go near the city centre?" Namjoon asked, signalling that he didn't want a repeat of the last situation where they almost died.

It was extremely lucky that the group were still alive considering that the group were outnumbered by Stalkers in their thousands. Not all of them had ammo in their weapons that day but they somehow managed to survive by sheer luck.

*end of flashback*

The group were walking through the streets of Santa Barbara, trying their best not attract anything by being noisy.

They turned a corner and ended up in another street and all seven of them froze on the spot, not daring to move an inch. In front of them stood twenty Stalkers, each one instigating fear in the boys since they seemed to love moving in hoards.

They figured that it was just the parasite inside them trying to keep its victims close together.

But of course, none of the boys were scientists.

They were extremely dangerous when Stalkers moved in hoards since all of their strength combined into one whenever they spotted a victim that they could pass the parasite onto.

Taehyung held onto his rifle and duffle bag tightly. "What do we do now guys?" Taehyung questioned, shaking with fear.

"Look there's an exit there" Jungkook pointed down the street to an alleyway.

So, altogether, they quickly and carefully crept past the hoard and down the street towards the alleyway. Blood all over the walls of buildings alongside some graffiti spelling:


Once they reached the alleyway, they all froze again.

"Another hoard?! Are you fucking kidding me?" Yoongi whisper-shouted, extremely pissed off.

This hoard was larger than the other one though. There was about fifty of them all stood at the end of the alleyway, not paying any attention to the group of seven boys that stood in front of them in fear.

"Alright, just stay calm. Let's find a way to divert their attention". Namjoon said calmly.

All seven of them started looking around for something to distract the hoard, until
Taehyung found it.

A cola can.

He whistled extremely quietly to the other guys and showed them the cola can, laying on the floor. Just as he was about to kick it, Jimin came up to him and spoke in a hushed tone.

"Throw it down the alleyway past them." He pointed to a clearing at the end.

Taehyung nodded and with all his strength, he threw the cola can far away from the group. Like they expected, the hoard followed the sound of the can once it fell on the floor.

This was their chance to escape.

While the herd was occupied with the cola can, they sneakily made their way past them until a loud noise echoed in the silence making the boys freeze.


Immediately, the guys turned around to look directly at Hoseok who had knocked over a trash can with his foot. Panic immediately rose within them as they heard footsteps running towards them.

"RUN!" Namjoon yelled and immediately awoke the guys from their trance.

They all ran as fast as they could back down the alleyway and into the street they wanted desperately to escape, turning a bunch of sharp corners until they came into another clearing. To their right they could see a cinema which had been boarded up from the outside.

The group tried desperately to tear off the wooden pallets that held the cinema doors shut but to no avail. Even the sharp crowbar that Jin held onto was no use which lead to them being cornered by the hoard.

"Fuck, we're trapped!" Jungkook screamed.

All around them, Stalkers were circling the group, quickly advancing their way towards the guys.

"Get ready!" Taehyung called out, immediately loading his rifle with bullets before opening fire on all of the Stalkers in front of them, killing them.

"There's too fucking many of them!" Yoongi cursed, panic clearly evident in his voice as he was thinking that a repeat situation would occur.

"Just keep shooting!" Namjoon ordered, not slowing down with the bow and arrows in his arms.

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