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Yugyeom and Bambam were talking amongst themselves, trying their best to make sense of the situation and not paying attention to their surroundings.

Ellie, however, was rooted to the ground in complete fear and shock.

Chaos all around them.

Buildings were burning to the ground. Cars stacking on top of each other as they crashed into one another. People screaming in fear as they tried to flee the frightening, murderous scene.

However something in particular caught Ellie's gaze.

The woman, who screamed at the top of her lungs, was laying on the ground a few feet away from the girl with something inhuman sat on top of her.

There were too many screams for Yugyeom and Bambam to concentrate on the woman laid to their right.

Blood splattered on the pavement, sweat started running down Ellie's forehead and the woman's tears flowed down her face while she continued to give out an ear piercing scream.

That monster was biting into her skin and eating her flesh like she was food.

After it was finished eating the woman's skin, he got off of her and started sprinting down the street to find another victim that would satisfy its hunger.

The word 'hickey' had been taken too seriously by the inhumane looking man.

Ellie tugged onto Yugyeom's sleeve and he looked at the girl with a puzzled look on his face. He immediately turned away from Bambam and gave her his full attention.

"What is it?" His voice was laced with worry.

Ellie didn't say anything to him, she just pointed to the woman whose body was starting to crack and bend in different ways. She had gotten up onto to her feet, her clothes were soaked with the blood from her neck where that thing had bitten into her skin. Yugyeom's eyes followed Ellie's finger and he too stood there in shock and complete fear.

She lifted her head up and made eye contact with the trio. Her flesh was peeling away on her face and her eyes looked abnormal as they focused on the group. In fact they looked quite terrifying. An ugly yellow/green filled her eyes, pupils were dilated. The woman's hairstyle that was once pristine and tidy, was now a complete birds nest.

Then Ellie noticed something.

This woman was growling. This wasn't any ordinary growl however, it was like she became some sort of predator and the trio had become her target.

Ellie and Yugyeom were frozen in place as  she clenched onto his sleeve with one hand whilst holding her sword tightly in the other.

Ever so slowly, the woman started walking towards them, well more like limping.

"GUYS, WE NEED TO RUN!" Yugyeom screeched, capturing his brothers attention.

As soon as he yelled, the woman started moving a lot faster towards them, growling like a rabid dog that was protecting its owner.

Ellie quickly snapped out of her thoughts and started running down the highway with Bambam and Yugyeom either side of her. The inhumane-looking woman was now straight up running after the trio, gaining speed and getting closer.

" WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?" Bambam screamed while they ran as fast as they possibly could.

Ellie looked down at the Katana that was tightly grasped in her left hand before replying in a panicked voice. "I DONT KNOW, JUST FUCKING RUN!!"

She was running slightly faster than them since the girl had always been the best at athletics or any other sport in the trio of  best friends. As they were running together, they saw many more people experiencing the exact same thing the woman did.

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