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"Look! There's an abandoned military truck over there!" Jin pointed, making the group of boys turn their attention to said veichle.

"Come on! We gotta run!" Jimin responded, panicked as he was the only one in the group to become aware of the large number of soldiers that were chasing after them.

He was right to be panicked though because the soldiers were soon in position, pointing their rifles at the boys, trying to either intimidate the group into surrender or so they could actually shoot them.

All this just for a vaccine that isn't guaranteed to work.

However just before the group reached the abandoned truck, bullets sounded through the air followed by a scream of pain. The sound cut through the air at top speed, taking mere seconds to reach the surrounding areas.

The scream was piercing and deep, definitely loud enough to alert any Stalkers nearby.

"Taehyung!!!" Namjoon shrieked in complete fear.

A single bullet had teared its way through Taehyung's abdomen, immediately causing him to collapse onto the ground with blood gushing from the open wound.

The second Taehyung hit the floor, Jin and Namjoon ran over to him in order to lift him up and continue running towards the abandoned veichle a few meters away from them. The rest of the group were already there, anxiously waiting for the three of them to catch up.

Throughout the whole encounter, the poor guy was screaming in agony, feeling his legs start to give up due to the lack of blood going to them and instead gushing from the bullet wound. Namjoon and Jin had a secure, tight hold on their friend whilst Taehyung draped both of his arms around their necks, trying to lessen the burden of his weight as much as possible.

"Keep going! You're gonna be fine!" The eldest encouraged Taehyung who was beginning to pass out.

"I can't, it hurts too much." Taehyung sobbed in complete pain, his usually perfect, angelic face twisted and scrunched into a pained expression.

"Yes you can, we're almost there! You can't die now, I still gotta watch you make your confession towards Ellie!" Namjoon threw back, trying to make a lighthearted joke.

Taehyung lightly chuckled at his friends joke amidst the excruciating pain in his whole body. "Fuck you, none of you will be watching me make a fool of myself."

"Oh shut up, you've always been dense when it comes to love." Jin laughed along despite the immense concern he felt towards the younger boy. "Come on, we're almost there."

Which was true, they only had a few more meters to go and they would reach the veichle.

"Hurry up!!" Yoongi yelled to the trio from the front passengers seat of the army truck, Hoseok in the drivers seat whilst Jimin and Jungkook sat in the backseat with Ellie laying across their laps, panicked expressions on each of their faces.

Much to the group's relief, the trio quickly sped up and reached the doors to the back of the van, pulling them open, jumping inside and closing them behind themselves.

"Quick! Drive!!" Jimin instructed towards Hoseok.

And with that, the group sped away from the army base, both with Ellie and Taehyung safe.

In the back of the van, Jin and Namjoon quickly laid Taehyung on the floor of the veichle before lifting up his bloodstained t-shirt to reveal the bulletwound that still seemed to gush with blood.

After making sure that Taehyung was comfortable, Jin took off his own t-shirt and pressed it against the younger's abdomen. "Namjoon, apply pressure to the wound while I get medical supplies out of my backpack."

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