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Everywhere she looked, Ellie would see a bunch of Stalkers all huddled together which made it extremely hard for her to avoid them. So she came up with a solution so that she wouldn't be spotted and, in her opinion, it was quite smart if you disregard the danger factor of the plan.

She decided it would be a good idea to walk on the rooftops of the buildings since she would be out of reach and visual range for the Stalkers.

Of course, she threw up the second she was on high ground due to her extreme acrophobia but she knew it would be worth it since she wouldn't be spotted.

*Flashback to 10 years ago*

"Dad, I'd like to ask you something" Ellie asked her dad.

"Yeah? What is it?" He sighed.

"Can I join sword practice?"

Her father was shocked. He never thought that his daughter would be interested in that kind of sport.

"I'll talk to mum about it."

After that, Ellie could tell he wasn't happy.

Ever since she told him that, he started to act distant. Her mum was the same. Once she found out, she didn't like the idea either.

Her parents wanted their daughter to act girly.

But of course, they let her do whatever she wanted since they didn't care, not as much as they should have anyway. They put themselves first all the time, constantly going abroad for work.

Ellie's childhood was lonely.

The following week, on her birthday, one of her presents was a Katana from her parents. A real one instead of a plastic one.

She knew from then on, her parents would start to distance themselves even more since she didn't fit the expectations they had. The two of them started going on holidays and trips abroad for their 'work' even more which resulted in BamBam and Yugyeom encouraging the girl to live with them.

They didn't want her to be alone.

However, one thing that Ellie resented the most was that if she ever wanted something, her parents would always get it with no objections. They loved each other more than they loved their daughter and it was obvious.

She wished that her parents put more effort into their relationship with the girl instead of pushing her aside for their own benefit.

However, her Katana meant more to her then anything else, besides BamBam and Yugyeom. That's why Ellie always keep it close because, for once, her parents actually listened to their daughter's aspiration instead of forcing their own opinions on the girl.

Regardless of whether they disagreed with her.

*End of flashback*

"I wonder if they are dead..." Ellie spoke softly while gazing down at the blood stained pavement from the roof of a pharmacy.

She watched the hoard of Stalkers wonder aimlessly until something caught her eyes.

Her eyes landed on a girl who looked around the age of 5. She was infected, she was part of the hoard. The bite mark on her hand was dripping with blood whilst it still held on tightly to a golden teddybear, one leg missing from its body. Blood stains all over it's fur.

Since she was stood on a flat rooftop, Ellie saw a clearing down the street in front of her. She slowly walked forward, trying not to alert any of the Stalkers that walked on the pavement below her.

However, all of that stopped when she heard a loud gunshot echo in the distance, her breath hitched in her throat.

"Well...I guess I've found the culprit for the abandoned pickup truck." She whispered to herself, internally screaming.

Then a second gunshot sounded, immediately catching the attention of the Stalkers in the street below her. Almost immediately, they all started running towards the direction of the gunshots, tripping over each other in the process.

Then a third gunshot went off but this time it was louder and closer to her current location.

Walking with angst, the girl made her way to the edge of the cinema's roof and peeked down onto the street below her. That's when she saw a group of men getting eaten alive by the hoard of Stalkers she previously encountered.

The girl was debating whether or not to go help them but decided that it would be better not to draw any attention to herself, therefore concluding that she should keep quiet.

One final gunshot went off from the group of men and that's when Ellie's eyes landed on the same little girl, who was clutching the teddy bear, laid on the pavement, blood oozing from her tiny head.

It was traumatising for Ellie to see a child being shot in the head until she was dead.

'If only she hadn't grown up in this fucked up world, she would have experienced a normal childhood' Ellie thought to herself.

After staring at the little girl's lifeless body strewn on the pavement, she came back to her senses once everything had become quiet.

She looked down the street from the cinema's rooftop, looking to see whether the group of men were still alive.

But of course they weren't. They turned into Stalkers themselves, joining the hoard.

Sighing deeply, the girl stood up and walked to the middle of the rooftop, not wanting to risk anyone seeing her. She decided to set up a small camp, putting down her rucksack and Katana before laying flat on her back, allowing herself to relax against the flat surface.

Naturally, her gaze faced up at the vast blue sky above her, small white clouds floating effortlessly across the endless unknown.

She deeply wished for a solution to the apocalypse to present itself. If only doctors still worked on patients, they could've used her to find a cure for the parasite.

Maybe she could have atoned for the countless Stalkers she killed with no mercy just so she could survive. They had once been people just like her, trying their best to survive the harsh conditions of the destroyed world they now lived in.

Ellie would have committed suicide to escape from the world she lived in but every time she tried, Yugyeom and Bambam would flash through her thoughts, reminding her that they wanted their best friend to survive.

Almost instantly, all of Ellie's thoughts came to a screeching halt the second she heard more gunshots echo throughout the city, causing her to sit up immediately and grab her sword.

She ran to the edge of the cinema's rooftop again, peeking down once more onto the pavement where she saw another group being cornered by the hoard.

"Get ready!" A deep, manly voice spoke.

"There's too fucking many of them!" A second voice cussed.

Looking closely, the girl could see seven guys, each one of them riddled with terror as they tried to prepare themselves for battle.

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