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"Because she's bitten, she'll turn soon...right?" Jimin started to panic.

"Yeah, we need to kill her before she kills us." Yoongi stated rather coldly.

Everything seemed to stop for Taehyung the moment he heard those words and he wasn't exactly sure why.

"Kill her...?" His eyes started to well up with tears.

This was the first time he ever felt something towards a girl even though he basically knew nothing about Ellie. His mind was going crazy, it was spinning at a million miles an hour.

"Yes, she needs to be killed before she turns." Yoongi said bluntly, not bothering to understand the atmosphere emanating from the younger boy.

"We can't do that!" Taehyung protested, making them all surprised.

"Tae, what are you saying? She will turn into one of those things..." Jungkook said, constantly keeping his eyes on her sleeping figure incase she twitched or moved indicating her transition from human to Stalker.

"If she was going to, it would have happened by now! It takes less than a minute to turn into one!" He cried, desperate to hear Ellie's explanation.

Everything and everyone went quiet inside the bedroom, the only sound apparent was the sound of Ellie's steady breathing as she slept. That was until she started to move around on the bed making the seven boys jump back in fear.

"Fuck this...she's going to turn. You're naive if you think otherwise." Yoongi said to Taehyung in a slightly annoyed tone.

He started loading his pistol and pointing it at the girl's head, his pale, slender finger on the trigger and ready to shoot her at any time if she suddenly pounced on the group.

"Wait!" Taehyung interjected, ushering Yoongi not to pull the trigger.

"Move out of the fucking way Taehyung." The elder boy warned, his anger beginning to increase at how stubborn and naive his younger friend was acting.

All for a girl they didn't know anything about.

Sure, she saved their lives but that doesn't excuse the probability of her potentially killing them.

On Ellie's side of things, she could hear slight talking, causing her to slowly wake up from her sleep.

"If she was going to, it would have happened by now! It takes less than three minutes to turn into one!"

'That deep voice...Taehyung? Wait-I'm not dead? But I thought I tried to end my life?'

"Fuck this...she's going to turn. You're naive if you think otherwise."

'Are they talking about my bite mark?' The girl thought to herself, panicking in her subconscious.


"Move out of the fucking way Taehyung."

Ever so slowly, Ellie opened her eyes to see Yoongi pointing his pistol right at her head, a piercing glare on his face as he stared the girl down.

Taehyung was stood in front of him, his arms stretched out as if trying to protect Ellie from Yoongi.

That's when she realised her shoulder was exposed, the swollen, yellow bite mark in view for anyone to see. She quickly adjusted the turtleneck she was wearing and used her jacket to cover it, the blood immediately staining the fabric again.

"Ellie...why didn't you tell us?" Jungkook came closer to the girl, sitting on the bed next to her.

She flinched hard as she felt his warm, large hand touch her shoulder, making the girl panic. She tried to make herself appear nonchalant about the whole situation but none of the guys were believing it.

"I-I don't know what your talking about." She quickly moved away from his touch, standing on the other side of the room to where the boys were stood.

As soon as she stood up however, a wave of dizziness washed over her because of the sudden movement and loss of blood coming from her shoulder.

"Ellie...you've been bitten. You know what's happens don't you?" Jin spoke in a hesitant voice whilst the rest of them all stared at the poor girl in anticipation.

"But, I won't turn..." She trailed off.

"What are you talking about? You will turn Ellie, it's inevitable." Jimin confirmed.

"I won't because it's seven months old..." the girl answered honestly, feeling her gut somersault as those dreadful words came out of her mouth.

The guys all stared at her incredulously, not believing her words for a second.

All except Taehyung that is.

Ellie felt all of their judgemental gazes on her figure which made her feel extremely uncomfortable. She wanted the ground to swallow her body whole in order to avoid anymore confrontation.

"I'm telling the truth...it's 7 months old" She looked down at her trembling hands, remembering that day clearly.

That one, single day where everything changed within Ellie's life.

She glanced at the boys to see them all looking shocked except for Yoongi who was proving to be hard to persuade.

"Bullshit, you're lying." His voice was dripping with venom. He absolutely felt he couldn't trust this girl even more after finding out about her bite mark.

Returning his deadly glare, Ellie retaliated, feeling her anger grow stronger and stronger with each passing second. "Why the fuck would I lie about something like this?"

"It's just hard to believe..." Hoseok stated.

They all looked at one another, completely speechless until Taehyung spoke up.

"How did you get it...?"


The girl flinched again as she hadn't ever prepared herself mentally for when that question would ever be asked. That one, simple question she wanted to avoid at all costs.

The thought of Yugyeom and Bambam dying in front of her made her eyes tear up again. And that's when it slipped.

"I miss them. I really do..." She said out loud without thinking.

"Miss who?" Jungkook asked while looking at the girl stood in front of them with a confused face.

Almost instantly, she broke down into tears, sobbing loudly, trying her best to hide her face from the rest of the guys. It felt so embarrassing to cry a second time in front of these guys that she had just met.

She cried uncontrollably until a pair of arms wrapped around her tiny waist, pulling her into their warmth and comfort.

"Hey...shhh, it's okay, take your time" Taehyung whispered softly into Ellie's ear.

His hold on the girl made her relaxed, his deep, calm voice soothed her. He smelled like a mixture of body odor with the very slight hint of vanilla emitting from his neck and clothes. One hand patted the back of her head while the other tugged on her waist.

In his hold, Ellie's tears wouldn't stop. She broke down even more telling them all about that day. Yugyeom, Bambam, the bite mark, everything.

It was impossible to hide her past anymore.

She needed some love and support after being so lonely the past seven months. All she wanted was to feel someone else's presence by her side.

Ellie felt that she could trust them now after opening up to the guys. She was no longer on her own. They said they would protect her so she felt that it was time for her to fully trust the group.

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