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The more Ellie spent time with the guys, the more she realised how kind and friendly they all were. She found them especially funny and easy to talk to about anything that bothered her.

The second she explained the context behind her bite mark as well as information about her two best friends, Yugyeom and Bambam, the group felt a connection with the girl.

Her violent and cold persona made more sense now they knew about her history.

They had been talking for about 2 hours now as they ended up sitting on the bedroom floor in a circle altogether, Ellie sitting between Jungkook and Taehyung.

"So, you never saw your parents then?" Jimin asked while looking at the girl with interest.

"Yeah, they were always working abroad so I spent most of my time with Yugyeom and Bambam in their apartment." She replied, smiling fondly as she recalled the hundreds of memories that she had with the two brothers.

After sharing her pain and the guilt she was feeling about her best friends with someone else, she immediately felt better. Most people say that talking about your feelings helps you to move on from a painful memory.

And that's exactly what happened for Ellie.

"Well some people would say that they are shit parents wouldn't they?" Yoongi commented, making Ellie shrug a little.

"Yeah I suppose."

She couldn't help but giggle a tiny bit at Yoongi's bluntness. As bad as it sounds, he was completely right about the relationship with her parents. They didn't care about her feelings or what she truly wanted out of life. Instead, they cared more about money, gifts and themselves.

Whenever the girl was upset growing up, they would give her anything from sweets to expensive jewellery to 'cheer her up'.  A lot of people would see that as a good thing but, in Ellie's case, when you're constantly given the same items instead of the emotional support you need, anyone would feel hatred towards their parents.

However, things changed the more she grew up. Ellie started to distance herself from them which was reciprocated on their side of things hence leading them to constantly going abroad for 'work'.

She couldn't care less whether her parents were still alive or not. The girl had a family before with Yugyeom and Bambam but she had a new one now with the seven, mischievous boys.

Ellie then realised that Taehyung was right infront of her face, trying his best to make the girl smile. This caused her to burst out giggling, covering her smiling mouth with her hands.

Letting out a deep sigh, Taehyung moved Ellie's hands away from her mouth, grinning like the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland.

"You should smile more often, you're cute." His angelic face was even more attractive when he smiled, causing butterflies to float around in the girl's stomach. Both in nervousness and happiness.

'Well then...' she thought to herself.

A deep blush crept up onto her cheeks, making her turn away from Taehyung's gaze once more.

The rest of the guys seemed to catch on and started to tease the two of them, accusing them of "flirting" with each other. The atmosphere soon became awkward resulting in Ellie clearing her throat.

"I'm just gonna go get a drink."

And with that, she left the group in the bedroom and headed downstairs towards the kitchen. Once inside, the girl looked in every cupboard, trying to find one that would contain glassware. She eventually found a bunch of glasses inside the cupboard above the sink.

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