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It had been about 2 hours after Ellie saved the guys and they were still currently driving in their pickup truck.

She was extremely hesitant and reserved the second she hopped into the back of their pick up truck, almost afraid to talk to them and grow attached to them.

But of course, the universe wanted to test her the best it could.

"So..." the shortest guy spoke out attracting Ellie's attention. "What's your name?"

The three guys stared immensely at the girl, awaiting her answer. They were eager to learn more about the person who saved their lives since she was extremely athletic and clearly skilled with a weapon like the katana she owned.

However, Ellie was having none of it and sent the guys a deadly glare.

"You don't have to tell us if you don't want to." The guy with a huge bunny smile, laughing at my cold glare towards them. "We just figured it would make it easier for us to become friends." He shrugged.

'I don't want to be friends with you but clearly you will pester me' Ellie thought to herself, feeling irritated.

So she took a deep breath, and gave the answer that they were looking for.

"My name's Ellie."

The guys were stunned for a short second before looking extremely grateful that she had opened up a little to them.

The girl simply stared at them, wondering how they could be so naive. Here they were smiling without a care in the world, even though they were surrounded by death and constantly fighting to survive in the destroyed world.

Awkwardness fell upon the four of them again until they decided to individually introduce themselves to Ellie.

"The names Jimin, I'm the oldest out of us three" the shortest guy explained while pointing at himself and the two other boys earning a small nod of acknowledgement from the girl.

"I'm Jungkook. You're good at sports right?" The coconut-hairdo guy enquired, his interest in the girl spiking.

"I suppose I'm okay at sports" she replied, shrugging her shoulders and staring at the Katana that laid in her lap.

"Hmm...okay then." Jungkook thought intently before smirking.

Ellie glared at him, wondering how she managed to meet someone so cheeky until the last guy spoke out.

The extremely good looking guy. The one guy who's face had definitely been sculpted by a supreme angel.

" Taehyung...n-nice to meet you" he blushed.

"Why are you stuttering?" She asked extremely bluntly, no remorse in her voice.

He looked a bit surprised at her tone of voice. "No reason..." Taehyung blushed even more, lowering his head out of embarrassment before holding his face in his hands.

"Hmm really?" She spoke coldly, almost sniggering at him.

He nodded slowly, his ears turning even more pink.

Jungkook and Jimin exchanged smirks with each other while staring at Ellie and Taehyung until the truck came to a halt, taking the four of them by surprise as their bodies were tossed around.

"Hey! Why the sudden stop?" Jungkook shouted to the four other boys sat in the front of the truck.

"We almost fell out back here!" Taehyung whined.

One of the four boys stepped out of the truck and leant onto the side, right next to Ellie.

"Jin said that we're about to run out of gas meaning that it's time to walk again." the guy spoke, his voice laced with irritation and tiredness.

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