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All the guys decided to find a hospital for some medical supplies since Minhi wouldn't stop complaining that Ellie had broken her ribs.

Said girl dragged her feet behind them all, watching Minhi with a scowl on her face as she feigned innocence to all of the guys. However, Ellie could clearly see that Jungkook and Yoongi weren't falling for it considering they knew who she really was.

Jungkook also seemed to notice Ellie dragging her feet behind the group.

"Ellie? Why are you walking so slow?" He slowed down his pace to match the girl next to him,

"Nothing..." She mumbled, not really wanting to talk about her issues with Minhi.

"Hmm, it doesn't seem like nothing. Come on, tell me." he grinned widely at her whilst lightly pushing her shoulder.

Ellie sighed deeply and looked up towards the sky before letting all of her feelings out. "Surely you can see the bruises and wounds that Minhi gave me? I'm pissed that Taehyung took her side over me again."

Jungkook took one look at the girl beside him and nodded, acknowledging her beaten up appearance.

"Yeah, it's clear that she fucked up, I don't know why he sided with her either." He pauses before looking directly in the girl's eyes. "Yoongi told you didn't he? About Minhi and her obsessive behaviours towards Taehyung when we were idols?"

Similarly to Jungkook, Ellie just nodded showing that she understood exactly what he was trying to say.

"I would have thought that Taehyung recognised her...but clearly he's as stupid as ever." The boy sighed, brushing his hair out of his face. "Also, I want to apologise."

"What for?" Ellie asked confused.

"I acted like a dickhead when you killed those three guys. I guess I was just shocked to see you act like that but we all know you did it for a reason." Jungkook explained with a regrettable expression on his face. "I'm sorry Ellie, thank you for saving us back there."

The girl beside him felt warm and fuzzy feeling inside after hearing Jungkook's apology. She could clearly see that he was feeling guilty about the whole situation.

At least she had Yoongi and Jungkook on her side.

"It's okay. I'm glad you and Yoongi understand my reasoning." She smiled. 

"Alright. Let's go then." He gently grabbed her free hand in his own while she held onto her katana in the other. It took her by surprise a little as he slowly increased their speed to catch up with the others.

"I know your upset with Taehyung, but please give him a chance." he whispered next to her.

"I want to but he really hurt my feelings Jungkook." Ellie sighed, before continuing to walk behind the others, leaving Jungkook on the spot.

He quickly fastened his pace to walk next to her again "If I talk to him, will you give him a chance?" He asks whilst clearly thinking deeply about something in particular.

"Sure, if he stops being a dick." Ellie reasoned.

Jungkook just grinned cheekily to himself, satisfied with her answer. Even though he was irritated with Taehyung himself, the youngest could tell he liked Ellie a lot and he was going to do everything he could to help his friend out.

"I'm pretty sure you'll fall for him soon." Jungkook teased the girl, earning a slight push on his shoulder.

"Shut up!" Ellie spat, embarrassed that Jungkook saw right though her.

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