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‼️Themes of suicide in this episode, if your uncomfortable with themes of suicide please don't read‼️

Without thinking twice, Ellie ran full speed into a woodland. Her eyes were puffy and red whilst constant tears flowed down onto her face.

'He has some fucking nerve! Asking me questions like that without knowing my past! He knows fuck all about me!' Ellie cursed at Jungkook in her mind, extremely angry.

Without paying attention, she was aimlessly swinging her katana around in the air due to anger and frustration, unknowingly engraving scratches onto the trees around her.

After about 10 minutes of pure anger, she stopped, panting and out of breath whilst the sadness started surfacing.

Ellie harshly flung the sword down onto the grassy floor and crouched into a ball, her head resting in her hands. The tears just wouldn't stop flowing after the initial adrenaline and frustration subsided. Sobbing uncontrollably, she stayed crouched for a long while.

Both of their faces flashed through her mind, the pair of them grinning which only caused the pain within the girl to increase dramatically.

"I can't do this. I need you both" She chocked out, gasping for breath in between each sob.

They were the only two people Ellie thought that she will ever truly love. In her mind, no one else could compare to her two best friends.

Yugyeom and Bambam truly meant that much to her so you can imagine how devastated she felt the second they died.

She glanced at her katana laying on the ground next to the girl's crouched figure. Hesitantly, her fingers touched her shoulder, feeling the swelling of the bite mark that had caused all of this in the first place.

She roughly scratched at it angrily,  making it bleed profusely. The pain she felt from the wound didn't even bother her that much, it's was the emptiness and loneliness she felt after losing her best friends that bothered her most.

The poor girl was really confused and every day the same thought rant through her mind; 'Why the hell didn't I join them? It would have been so much better if I was with them.'

She glanced at her katana once more before taking it into her hands and holding the blade flush against her throat, preparing herself to cut it open.

"I can't do this on my own. I need you both." She whispered to herself, her eyes swollen and sore from crying. Glassy streaks stained her face from her constant tears.

She was ready to end it all but just as she was about to do it, the girl collapsed with exhaustion.

Everything around her went black.

Meanwhile, the rest of the guys were still searching for Ellie, still running in the same direction that the mysterious girl sprinted away from them.

"Hurry up!" Taehyung yelled back to the rest of the guys.

The group eventually came across a dense woodland that was full to the brim with vegetation. It looked both spooky and inviting as he perfect hideout from any Stalker hoards.

"Guys!" Jungkook shouted to the rest of the group.

The rest of them turned to see Jungkook pointing to some trees that stood in front of them. Engraved in the wood were a few slash marks, the same ones Ellie had created, which piqued their interest in the woodland.

"She must have gone through here. Let's go!" Namjoon ushered to start running again and the group followed him.

Throughout the whole journey, Taehyung was worried. Even though he didn't know Ellie that well, he was still concerned about her well being.

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