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"Why the fuck did the guys stick up for her?" Ellie whispered to herself, while feeling a sharp pain in her chest.

The image of Taehyung hugging and comforting that girl hurt Ellie deeply. The fact that he had chosen a stranger over her, felt like a punch in the gut.

Said girl was currently sat on the kitchen floor, hugging her legs close to her chest while she rested her head on her knees.

The smell of the rotting human body, that was laid a few feet away from her, had completely disappeared. She was far to distraught to even comprehend the sickening smell.

Without realising, she started to cry softly. The look of betrayal but fear that each of the guys had when Ellie killed those three strangers, not showing any mercy, made her feel awful.

She wasn't a monster, she just had no other choice if she wanted to survive.

Ellie then heard the doors to the kitchen swing open, revealing a mournful looking Yoongi.

"Ellie? Why are you crying?" He asked, crouching down next to her.

She quickly wiped away her tears and hid her face against her knees again. "I'm not crying."

"You was." he replied and sighed before sitting next to the girl. "Come on. Tell me, what's up?" His voice was soft but deep.

It was a huge contrast to his usually abrasive and blunt personality.

And his words cracked down Ellie's wall that she had put up again. Not completely of course, but enough for her to talk about why she was annoyed.

"I saved you all and I didn't get a simple thank you from any of you!" She huffed, feeling her eyes well up once more."All of you took her side when we don't even know her and that shit hurt me." Ellie vented to Yoongi while still hugging her knees. "It's not like I enjoy murdering people..."

"I know, you're just trying to survive. Also we do know her. But not for good reasons." Yoongi explained.

This just confused Ellie since she had absolutely no idea what he was talking about. He sensed her puzzlement before carrying on with his explanation.

"Before the apocalypse happened, me and the rest of the guys were kpop idols known as BTS. We were touring when the outbreak happened which meant that we couldn't go back home so we've been stuck here ever since. None of us know how our parents are or whether they are even still alive." He explained, pausing briefly for a breather and letting the information sink into Ellie's mind.

"The girl through there is called Oh Minhi and our entertainment company blacklisted her due to obsessive and stalker fan behaviour. She had a particular target though and that was Taehyung. Since our debut days before the outbreak happened, she stalked him everyday, watching his every move."

These words made Ellie's eyes widen in shock, almost falling out of their sockets. She felt anger rising but she quickly suppressed it when Yoongi continued.

"Me and Jungkook recognised her immediately since we found many pictures and videos of Taehyung on her fansite page. Jungkook found them first and showed them to me and they were extremely disturbing so the two of us spoke to our CEO and asked for her to be blacklisted from any of our events."

Ellie remained quiet, allowing Yoongi to fully explain the situation. She couldn't quite believe that the guys were celebrities before the apocalypse happened but it did justify her question of; 'Why are they so good looking?'

"I'm sorry that we didn't take your side. It was our first time seeing you act like that but your reasoning for doing so was more important. It wasn't until you ran in here that me and Jungkook exchanged glances with each other and realised who she was." Yoongi apologised, feeling extremely guilty.

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