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"What the fuck are you doing?!"

All movement on the rooftop seemed to disappear the second Taehyung shouted, nobody daring to move a single inch. However the second the door to the rooftop swung open once more, revealing Jungkook, Minhi showed a fake smile.

"Hi you two! What's up?~" The girl cooed in a sickly sweet voice.

She was a little shocked at their sudden appearance but of course tried not to let it show through her fake facade.

"Don't fucking smile at me." Taehyung threatened, his voice absolutely dripping with venom. "Jungkook, take Ellie to the others." The boys spoke sternly whilst looking over to a confused, beaten up Ellie who was struggling to stand up.

Any bruises and wounds that Ellie previously had before they reached the hospital, had now been reopened and worsened by the second round of Minhi's attacks.

She was definitely certain that she had internal bleeding now.

Jungkook obeyed and helped Ellie stand up her up before hurriedly leaving Taehyung on the rooftop alone with Minhi. Said boy watched Jungkook's back disappear through the door and turned back to Minhi, giving her a death glare.

"Tae-" She started.

"I'm not interested in your excuses. Leave our group already!" He spat, causing her to become angry too.

The tone of her voice had completely changed from her fake, sweet voice to a harsh voice. The facade she tried so hard to portray in front of the guys had now disappeared. "Why the fuck do you like her so much?! I'm miles better than her!"

Taehyung was struggling to contain his anger and frustration at this point, Minhi was really testing his patience now that he knew exactly who she was and what she was like when him and the rest of guys were idols.

"She's not fake like you, she says things how it is. I know all about your obsessive behaviours towards me and quite frankly, I will always prefer her over you!" Taehyung stated, rather bluntly.

The second Yoongi told him all about Minhi and how he and Jungkook tried to get her blacklisted from any BTS events because of her stalker fan behaviour, it immediately made him uncomfortable to even travel or survive with her.

"Don't lie! I know you liked the attention I gave you! I treated you differently to the other members!" Minhi cried.

Now, anyone in their sane mind would not appreciate being stalked by a creepy fan but Minhi didn't think like this. She 'loved' Taehyung so much that it wasn't considered normal.

In fact it was toxic.

What kind of person stands outside an idols private address and watches their every move for hours every day, uninvited, whilst claiming that they 'love' them?

A psychopath, that's who.

"Leave our group, I don't want you to travel with us any longer." He glared at the girl one last time before turning on his heels and leaving Minhi on the hospital rooftop.

He had absolutely nothing else to say to the girl. Taehyung couldn't believe that she even had the audacity to claim a possible enjoyment to having a stalker.

The boy ran back to the room where the others were to see Ellie lying on the floor whilst Jin and Jimin was tending to her bruises and minor wounds.

The sight of her lying on the floor with black and purple splotches all over her body broke his heart into a million pieces.

If only he had stood up for her from the start, none of this would have happened.

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