The Reason Why Stores are closing.

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The Reason Why Stores are closing is less money flow and lack of funds due to poor spending on what our government is doing as time passes so wake up people the government isn't of good help only the old day's are good help cause you all should help aid your close store and support them before they are long gone forever along with the same thing so spend less on internet and spend more in your nearest store and support your best store even if you do not remember it's glory day's and sometimes you may remember good times from the past stuff cause sometimes you can re-take back the old idea's and remake them a new.

even in Covid we still need those stores standing and to remember fun like in the old day's the old way's and someday we will re-take the old idea's and re-make them a new like how Zellers became Wall mart and it was more interesting in those day's as our time grows our time has to be remembered to bring back the old feel on bringing back certain hospitals and schools as well even old school businesses to be returned cause we need our money to be balanced and our hopes to keep us moving forward.

do protests, do net chat, do lots of many things to motivate them not to sell off our stores to not rid of our shops and to not turn our homes into ghost towns and push back to prevent us from having a mallpocalyps everyone just listen to my words on the reason why just read all of it and not turn a blind eye just heed my advice just look at it and use these words to help you to take back what you believe in.

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