The Reason Why Content Farms steal stuff

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how many things like this we see so much and how many of these are seen by kids and others that try's to see this just for them of the cash they put into their pockets cause it hit's the Credit of artists, youtube and most of the internet so stop turning a blind eye cause this pain is the same thing that still continues to leach off others cause they don't do the Fan stuff but worst of all the Content Farms are Art thief's of Original arts as well.

Saber Spark had started to talk about this and this is serious when it got to much as well witch is more difficult not only are Content thieves stealing art their also stealing Data as well for their buy and sell propaganda even though they had only been sued once but laughed at our faces so how long are we going to suffer an empty shell of Evil.

it's the same with Kiwi Farms cause they farm Negativity and Hate bringers as well but this part is more of Toxic people that want to keep on creating more and more without stop so the greed of the pockets of Greed keep on going and again Greed is a Sin that has been weaponized for day's and they continue abused the Greed as they want to berry them self's under endless Greed, Annoyance and more without stuff thinking it would save them from Wrath but instead it would re-start to find them and this battle must continue without stop... I mean C'mon they keep showing the same Content garbage we had enough of but they keep getting in our way so just Metaphorically punch them by making idea's to hunt down these Content Farms and destroy them without stop.

if they won't stop than we won't stop cause they had targeted us and others like us and think about it they did a world record of what they targeted sort of... but know is this we had enough of this all the time but if you know others that had been attacked by Content farms if they say Content is King... than we smite them in the name of the Emperor of man... if Content attacks the might of Warhammer 40k.

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