The Reason Why Bioshock might be right Part 3

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the first part saying.

no says the man of the united states it belongs to the poor.

well what do we even know about it... homeless on the streets asking for money or asking if someone can get them some alcohol of any type... they need more than money... they need rehab so they can have more help to this moment and it dose make sense on these moments so think of it so it has the evidence on an idea of the Impossible becoming possible and we can remove all the spots that sells sigs, Vapes and Cannabis a.k.a. artificial weed.

all of those need to be removed so the stupidity can be removed once and for all so many would know this solution well to get everyone to know we all work together and without stop and make the Impossible possible and again we could no longer have be constrained as equal as well so we can continue to do the many things that are impossible and would make it possible once more and like the things we never saw would be re-seen once more and idea's re-made again to re-construct old tools, old toy's, old games, re-made a new and bringing idea's once more and the idea of re-cycling would also re-new once more as well though for some idea's re-made a new would re-begin once more.

the Second part saying.

no says the man in the Vatican it belongs to god.

so tell me... how did the Residential schools did something cruel to the first nations children of Canada to be chosen to fear the Christians long time ago how come they try to hide all evidence of it and how come the lie's of the new come to mind to keep on lying without stop and when will the true truth be told and how come they tend to try bring in the take over of Canada and how come their are less first nations than more and how come the scars of our elderly is becoming entropy and the scars turn into an infection that cannot be scene on the skin.

every grandparent told us how they survived longer and still bare the scars of fear and sometimes you'll know this cause the Christians did mark them with fear but not the one's before them and now the grand parents will be avenged as the day's of the past was no thanks to the fallen angels or more like the ancestors of the fallen angels as they don't know they are ancestors of fallen angels cause earth was the opening for Adam and Eve but think about it... how did Adam and Eve have sons how did they learn things from their banishment of Eden and how come they lived long on earth before humanity was made... it was obvious... the first people of earth were all ready their... they taught Adam and Eve how survival works and how their home works... but in further future... how are the Neanderthals and homosapians were made.

it's simple.

the Arrival of Adam and Eve and their two sons... think about it... why is man still have the blood of Adam and Eve in their system and why we learn so fast as well.

the Third part saying.

No says the man in Moscow it belongs to everyone.

this part is true... if any of you heard of the game Atomic Heart than you'll know.

it's a what if they took over successfully and new way to hold in resources and supply as well and new way to reduce hunger and reduce dopamine as well with an amazing technology never scene and idea's of the impossible becoming possible... Robots would exist in new styles as well and less labor can be of use but more of the same labor would be perfect without fear and the impossible would be possible even having new chances to make more stuff without stop even making less emends to difficult time and less human casualties meaning more chances of family's having more time with more family members and friends.

how ever their is remembering the Robot Apocalypse and to reduce that in everyway as well by fighting the Polymer devices that would be made in the future cause think about it but remember again cause the world of Atomic Heart may have the same connections with Bioshock cause again old school might wipe out new school as well even the robots that have liquid Polymer may not stand a chance and it's because the study of this stuff would continue on as liquid Polymer is an experiment and would be used for many things including weapons.

so I ask you and what the character Andrew Ryan would ask...

is a man not entitled to the verry sweat of his brow.

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