The Reason why to have masks.

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The Reason why to have Masks is to keep safe from Covid and to prevent your self from being infected and spreading to others towards many things and everyone and even if you have this so called allergy's or medical condition I don't care... you have to wear a mask at all times as you know those conditions don't apply when it comes to Covid and besides you need to alway's know this at all times cause even when you got conditions I repeat wear a mask so you don't spread the infection.

so please try to prevent the spread by wearing a mask as it's not a sign of shutting up but a sign to protect the one's you love to protect your friends and more and remember to keep six feet from one another and to mix it up get off the stupid weed, stop smoking, stop vaping and more as long as we repeat the same phrase to wear a mask at all times and remember we know when you break the rules and we will know your sin on what you cause.

and to the one's on crime you know lecturing is the only choice to teach you a lesson on trying to prevent infecting others by wearing a mask and having hand sanitizer and along with washing your hands and show chances on protecting the one's you love but if you threw that sanity out of the window it would mean you'd shall be sprayed by Lysol spray at all times for de-contamination as a reminder for you to wear a mask at all times.

to others remember to carry Lysol spray to de-contaminate the law breakers at all times and to the government just lower the check price so no riots would start cause the hate levels are growing out of control so try your best to push down the hate and try to fix the hope and termination and motivation for looking for hope and to the bus driver that I heard on the news you are showing signs of hate and hate is a sin witch you should know better.

and reminder to government reduce the fine so their will not be a riot and kill off Canadians like crazy and to all first nations do the same and to the man that assault the wall mart employee you will be hunted down for your heresy all because you were told to put on a mask as you are not a man but a heretic and to the people that didn't help the Employee you should show signs on helping out and beating up the employee that needs support cause he's important so throw that sanity and help fellow man survive than after quarantine your self for fifteen day's or longer after.

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