The Reason Why Trump is looking at Canada

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The Reason why Trump is looking at Canada is simple... he's looking at Canadian citizens and manipulate them and on trying to spread hate as that's what Trump is... he still wants money to build the walls and the walls are garbage so we do not want to break the rules and break the love as he dose he dosn't know what true love is but you guy's do cause true love is the world becoming one again instead of it being in pieces cause you see it happening again.

how long must we endure this madness of what others call a true unity when it's a fake one made up by trump and Trudeau cause well they both make lie's and keep on deceiving us cause Trudeau wants our money... wants to remove our respect and he watches us try to tear each other apart and we are doing it cause Trudeau is a suck up to Trump... wanting hate to exist but I am not one of many to accept this action.

shore we lost our faith but we haven't lost our hope cause we can re-continue on more and more cause hope is what we got left and we will never give in to Trudeau or Trumps command cause Canada dose not belong to Trump it belongs to all First nations and Canadians... true bringers of Canada cause Trudeau threw our free will away into the furnace well I say it's time to make a new unity.

take down the Cannabis.

remove all the Smokes.

empty out the Vape.

it's cause of that they have full manipulation that way so turn down that trash and don't follow the Carrens and Cartmans... I don't follow little dogs and I don't follow Carrens that like to choose the wrong side and they think trump wins the same thing with Cartmans cause those are the same... you don't call them Kevens cause that's not what they are... you call them Cartmans you call them fatboy's and that's all their is to it cause they do their smokes and get rich quick schemes without stop.

so enough is enough cause we want the false trend to end and the manipulation to end... you can see the truth... it's time to stop following the false leaders and follow your own way.

we are not men... we are Machine with a sentient A.I. and we are Monsters with a kind heart.

look up the game Undertale cause it shows proof that monsters are innocent and you'll know.

and look up the game Night in the woods... it tells you how our life is a rust belt...

that's also the reason why Trump is looking at Canada... he wants to Manipulate Canadians on his list... we can't let it happen.

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